My trip to Bradford Girls' Grammar School

Today I was invited to BGGS, along with other local companies to talk to students about the different options available to them after completing their GCSE's.

Engineering is not always the first thing that girls might be thinking about when they consider their future career options. But I hope that our visit today has made them think differently about how much potential there is for women within our industry.

One thing that did suprise me was the perception of apprenticeships amongst students. Most had not considered this as a option and perhaps had some pre-concieved ideas that apprenticeships were not as good as getting qualified through the university route. As both a product of an apprenticeship scheme myself, as well as seeing others progress through this route, I am always puzzled that this option is not considered more. I think there is much work still to do to let people know just how great apprenticeship schemes are!

The students were great, really enthusiastic, and seemed really interested in learning about the different types of industries open to them - and who knows in a couple of years time we might be seeing them enrol in our apprenticeship programme - watch this space.


