My Top Viewed Posts of the Year
Michael Watson
Teaching and writing about all things AI, operations, and my startup experience
I hoped for one weekly post in the blog’s first year.
This one makes 31. I missed my target.
It was fun to get this started. I double-posted on Substack and LinkedIn. Their rankings didn’t always agree. Here are the top posts of the year, according to Substack views.
One (and number Two on LinkedIn: Two Careers Every Smart College Student Should Know About
Two (and Number One on Linkedin): The 48 business books that I recommend the most (fun amateur mistake: The first draft had 45 books, I added three books and forgot to update the title before publishing it. Now the URL forever lists 45 books!)
Three (and Four on LinkedIn): Has Optimization Hit a Tipping Point?
Four (and Three on LinkedIn): Five Additions to My Network Design Talk
Five (and number 17 on LinkedIn): Business Storytelling: Three Professional Sources (and a Warning)
As a bonus, I liked my post Naming a Company or Product is Terrible- My Five Rules. It ranked 22nd on Substack and 13th on LinkedIn. I had been thinking about a post like this for a long time. On a random walk, the whole post structure just came to me. When I released it, I got a lot of great feedback from people who have been through the pain!
I’m already thinking about 2023. I have 33 draft posts in the queue.
I have a project I’m doing in January that has been many years in the making. So, the blog will start back up in late January.
This post first appeared on my blog.