My Top Five Generative AI Prompts for #AwesomeAdmins Using Salesforce

My Top Five Generative AI Prompts for #AwesomeAdmins Using Salesforce

#GPT is all the rage right now within the Salesforce ecosystem ... the usage of #GenerativeAI tools such as #ChatGPT and #GoogleBard has really taken a hold of the #TrailblazerCommunity across 2023. So much so that Salesforce has released (or is releasing) numerous GPT solutions across their new offering of #AICloud ... including #EinsteinGPT , #SalesGPT , #ServiceGPT , #SlackGPT and many more. Salesforce has fully boarded the #AI train, and with that comes an expectation that #SalesforceAdmins begin to learn more about what can be done with Generative AI. This will result in the Admin role once again evolving, this time to include the usage of Generative AI in our day-to-day roles as Admins.

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The various AI Cloud offerings as highlighted at Salesforce's AI Day in June '23.

As an #AwesomeAdmin you might be trying to figure out what to use GPT for, the potential data security implications of using it with data you store (this is a huge talking point in the UK right now ). Heck, you might be even be slightly worried at the prospect of AI replacing you in the near future (honestly, I think this is highly doubtful based on how it performs currently). Salesforce is trying to ensure that AI is able to be trusted when used within their environments, calling this their Trust Layer . However, this post is not about this talking point at all.

Rather, in this post I wanted to offer out some of the prompts I use the most when I use GPT tooling for various items. I've been using GPT since early 2023, in fact I recently spoke about how GPT performs with putting together instructions for building a Flow in Salesforce (spoiler alert, at the time it didn't do too well). My aim for this post is to provide you with a sampling of prompts you can take and customise to return the result that you want to get out of the Generative AI tool of your choice. Some of these prompts may appear basic, some less so. Like I say, my hope for this post is that you find these prompts helpful in your day-to-day work as an Awesome Admin working within the Salesforce ecosystem.

N.B. All of the prompts covered today will be covered using ChatGPT.

So with that in mind, let's look at my top five Generative AI prompts for Admins:

1: Summarise This For Me

Let's start off with a really simple. Let's say for example that you have a resource you wanted distilling down and explained in a paragraph or two. Well, GPT can do that for you really well. You can ask your chosen GPT tools to summarise things like blog articles, help articles, emails and a whole host of other items. Depending on what you want to achieve and how basic you want the summary, you can even add qualifiers to your prompt to dictate the level you want it to be summarised. Personally, one of my favourite qualifiers is explain this to me like I'm a 10-year-old, it does a really good job of simplifying things without being too patronising. This prompt is one that can be extremely as an Admin.

Let's take a look at an example:

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Example prompt asking ChatGPT to summarise a blog on writing prompts to generate SOQL queries.

In this first example, I provided ChatGPT a link to a recent post on the Salesforce Admins blog entitled How to Use Generative AI Tools to Write SOQL Queries. I thought this would be a good example to show you as the prompt covered a topic that I have been using GPT tooling for A LOT (creating SOQL Queries), it was on the topic of Generative AI and it also returned a result that we can use a modifier for to correct. I think this prompt returned a good result except for one thing. This blog was written for Admins, however the result returned focused on Developers. This isn't necessarily an issue as SOQL is traditionally something that is tied to a Developer role rather than an Admin role. That being said, this content was made for Admins, so surely the result returned via GPT tooling should account for that.

Here is where we bring in what is called a modifier. A modifier in the world of GPT is where we add a follow-up prompt to our chosen GPT tool, asking it to amend or update the returned result based on set criteria that we provide the tool.

In this example, I included a prompt modifier asking ChatGPT to update the result and switch out the references to Developers to be Administrators instead.

Here is the updated result:

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Updated prompt with modifier to change references to Developers into references to Admins.

2: Write Me a Formula in Salesforce

Next up is another relatively simple prompt, but it is one that is already super popular with Admins. This prompt simply asks your chosen GPT tool to write you a formula in Salesforce. A prompt for this can be put together in several ways. You can give the tool some guidelines to help you get closer to the desired result. You can simply ask it to generate you a formula with a very basic prompt, hoping that your chosen Generative AI tool will get the result correct or there about. There are other things you can do to help, but those two in my experience are the most common approaches, with the first being the most helpful and accurate.

Let's go over a quick common example I see in Nonprofits all the time. In my example I want to create a formula field that will calculate the age of a Contact based on their birthdate. The number should round down rather than up, and if the Contact is marked as Deceased, the formula should display the age they were when they passed away and stay at the value statically going forward.

Let me show how this example prompt went:

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The initial prompt and two follow-ups used to create the formula I wanted.

In this particular example, the first step went absolutely fine. ChatGPT returned a formula to calculate the age of a Contact based off of their Birthdate field value. The formula even accounted for rounding down their age, despite not asking it to do so. The result returned even explained why it had made the decisions it did in returning the correct calculation. ChatGPT then struggled to update the formula to only continue adding years on if the Contact was still alive. For some reason it did not register that Deceased__c was a Checkbox field, even when I added a modifier (not shown in the images) to highlight that this was indeed the case. Eventually I had to re-write the formula myself and then just asked ChatGPT to format it in an indented manner. This example shows how ChatGPT can perform well with creating formulas, but that it will also need handholding at times.

3: Generate A SOQL Query

Let's move onto what is honestly, my favourite kind of prompt to give a GPT tool so far. That being a prompt asking the tool to return a SOQL Query that I can use. At the time of writing, I'm not a SOQL expert. And honestly, I haven't spent enough time yet teaching myself how to write SOQL on my own without the need to Google it or look in forms or the Trailblazer Community. So earlier this year, I began using Generative AI tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard to generate me SOQL Queries that I could then query in Developer Console and Workbench. And to to be completely honest, I've found so far that tools like ChatGPT get the results for these kind of queries right around 70-90% of the time. Impressive stuff.

I'm going to keep the example I want to share for this prompt very simple. This is because you can write extremely complex queries for SOQL, so I don't want to overload you or myself (I might get overloaded very easily here). So for now, I'm sticking with a simple query to return a list of all Open Opportunity records. My prompt will include a list of fields I want include in the records that get returned.

Here's how the prompt went:

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My prompt to create me a SOQL query for use in Developer Console, Workbench, etc.

4: Translate Requirements into a Statement of Work

Next I want to look at something that is a little more on the BA side of things. GPT tooling can do quite well when it comes to translating vague requirements and even suggesting follow-up questions to ask the client to seek clarification. However, one of the things it does really well, is take a list of requirements and transform them into a statement of work. This is something I have played around with recently, using hypothetical examples and Generative AI performs really well here. Obviously the better requirements that you have, the better the result will be. But in my recent experimentation with this kind of prompt, I have found this to be something that performs really well. In the example that I will cite here, I'll give ChatGPT four relatively simple requirements and ask it to give me a body of text for a proposed Statement of Work. Again, it performed quite well in my book.

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My ChatGPT prompt asking for a Statement of Work based on a set of requirements.

As you will see here, ChatGPT included a good list of things to be included. With these items including budget, acceptance criteria, documentation and testing. The result returned in this example is something I could easily work with and make tweaks to if I wanted to do something a little more substantial with it.

5: Give Me a List of X Options

To wrap up, I wanted to offer a very general type of prompt that I have used when delivering demo sessions and also more generally as it can be very helpful. This prompt is one where you ask Generative AI to give you a list of options based on the requirements you lay out in the prompt. For example, you can ask it to give you a list of possible options for a solution for a requirement you've been given. The result of the prompt here can vary greatly, but it can be super helpful if built well. Let me show you an example that I used recently at a recent Salesforce Saturday event I spoke at where I covered GPT from a Nonprofit perspective.

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The prompt I used in ChatGPT to return a list of Form Building solutions that integrate with NPSP.

The prompt in my example asked ChatGPT to return a list of no more than 5 examples of Form Building solutions that are commonly use and can integrate with NPSP. As someone who works with NPSP a lot, I would expect this prompt to return me the likes of FormAssembly, FormStack and Form Titan which it did. What you will find with a prompt like this is that if you know the topic well enough you can possibly guess what it will come back with. This kind of prompt can work well with a variety of topics. So why not give it a whirl and see what you can do.

Now Over to You, What Are Your Top Prompts to Use?

And that's a wrap on this post from me. But now I want to hear from you! What do you think of these prompts? Are these prompts that you currently use or would use? If so, I would love to hear how you've gotten on with using them. Also, what prompts would you add to this list? Are there you think I'm missing that stand out. I know I haven't included ones around say validation rules (I felt that would be too similar to my formula one). But what prompts do you use that you think are really cool? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Corinna Takigawa

Passionate Advocate for Salesforce Users | 5x Certified | Admin | Consultant | Business Analyst | UX Designer | AI Associate | M.S. Educational Psychology

10 个月

This is outstanding, Mark Jones! I'm working right now on org build projects for my personal learning, and will try out some of these immediately, today! If ChatGPT can take all of my "client" requirements and process a statement of work, I'll be thrilled. And formulas -- who knew?!



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