My Top 5
Emma Lynn MCIOF (Cert)
Digital marketing and social media content creator. Neurodivergent coffee addict with oodles of personality and slightly questionable sanity.
If you follow me on LinkedIn, you may have noticed that I quite often mention charities that are in my top 10, or something similar. Well, I'll let you in and tell you actually who these charities are and why they have made it to my famous list.
(Note: all of these are charities that I would happily work for, currently support or volunteer with and will most certainly remember in my will)
National Trust
Joe and I have membership with the National Trust and it's amazing. We get free entry, free parking and unlimited lovely days out all whilst protecting and preserving some of the most beautiful areas and landmarks in our country. We have previously lived in a NT managed building and the grounds were stunning. Supporting a cause that protects our country's heritage is really important to me and above all else...our dog LOVES the days out too!
Action Point - get a membership card NOW!
Lupus UK
This is possibly the charity closest to home for me. I have Lupus. And I will have Lupus for the rest of my life because there is no cure. This charity do fantastic work towards supporting people through diagnosis, managing symptoms and dealing with everyday life. Before I was diagnosed, I even walked all 186 miles of the Pembrokeshire Coast to support research into autoimmune disorders and I WILL do it again.
If you ever need inspiration on how to make digital work for you in terms of open, honest communications then you MUST check these guys out. Aside from believing that they can deliver clean water to every single inch of the planet within our lifetime, they have a really awesome website, great email comms and the most beautiful social media posts known to man. #charitycrush
Action Point - sign up to their newsletter and follow them on social media. You will end up donating, trust me.
British Red Cross
Did you know that the Red Cross and Red Cresent Societies make up 1% of the world's population? That means that for every 100 people you meet in the world, 1 of them is supporting the charity by donating, working or volunteering. That's too impressive to ignore. This organisation deserves the following as they help people in crisis, demand cease fires to give medical attention and are there for everyone, no matter what is happening. I volunteer with their FES teams and also donate. They will be in my will too.
Action Point - do something to help. Anything. This charity is our best chance at world peace in my opinion.
Tall Ships Youth Trust
Of course, I wouldn't work for a charity that I didn't believe in. But these guys aren't here because they employ me. I support any cause that puts young people in situtations where they can grow and thrive and feel good about themselves. I learnt a lot from my time in Scouts and am a better person today because of it. TSYT offer that same chance to disabled, disadvantaged and raelly any young person who just needs support moving in the right direction and achieving what they want in life. I work for TSYT, fundraise for them and will of course am remembering them in my will.
Action point - help our young citizens. the future is in their hands so lets make sure we support them so it's in safe hands!
So, that's it. Subject to change, these are my top five charities. It would mean a lot to me if you would take a few minutes to look at them and consider supporting in any way that you can.