My Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

My Top 5 Digital Marketing Blogs

There are a lot of good online marketing blogs out there and I read many of them on a daily basis. However, to make my top 5 online marketing blogs, you need to go the extra mile, you need to reward the time I spend reading your blog with amazing insight, value, and entertainment.

Whilst my RSS reader is jam packed full of different online marketing blogs, I find that there are 5 that really stand out.

These top 5 online marketing blogs are blogs that I believe offer that little something extra, and as a result, I actively visit them on a daily basis. I believe that these blogs stand out from the crowd and deserve a place of pride in your bookmarks.

So without further ado, I’ll begin the epic top 5 online marketing blog rundown.

5. Moz

At number 5 is Moz. I’ve been reading the Moz blog (formerly known as SEO Moz) for a number of years now, and it’s firmly established itself as one of the SEO industry’s leading knowledge resources. Rand Fishkin, the founder of Moz and regular contributor to the blog, is certainly one of the leading figures (if not the leading figure) in search engine optimisation (SEO) today.

The blog itself is absolutely packed with useful tips, guides, tutorials, and opinion pieces. It has also become well known for it’s ‘Whiteboard Friday’ video sessions that have been created to explore some of the complexity behind SEO, and help online marketers out there build a greater understanding of what is becoming a more complex subject by the day.

Whilst I love the blog, I believe what really makes it stand out is the audience engagement. The comment sections on Moz are packed with great discussion, debate, and incredibly valuable insight from some of the industry’s top professionals.

Must Read Article - Why We Can’t Just be SEOs Anymore

4. Canva

I discovered Canva soon after Guy Kawasaki became an evangelist for them. For those of you that don’t know Canva, they’re an online design software service company that make it easy for non-designers to create great looking graphics. Whilst their service is awesome, I believe their blog definitely deserves a mention too.

The Canva blog is a great example of how a blog can be used to sell a product or service without directly promoting or selling within the articles. The blog posts offer some great tips and advice in relation to online marketing and design, and the infographics and imagery used in the blog are all created using the Canva software. The blog is visually amazing and the advice is top notch. Well worth a look.

Must Read Article - How to Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times

3. Copyblogger

Copyblogger is one of the web’s content marketing behemoths and has been a blog I regularly visit for a number of years now. If you want to learn how to write compelling copy, Copyblogger should be your first port of call.

Whilst Copyblogger is best known for it’s articles on copywriting, you’ll also find a huge number of valuable articles discussing all manner of inbound marketing topics.

Another great thing about Copyblogger is their member’s area. They offer a free and premium space, and the learning materials you can access, even with the free option, are exceptional. I highly recommend spending some time over there because you’ll learn a lot.

 Must Read Article - 11 Smart Tips for Brilliant Writing

2. Matthew Woodward

I had to give second place to Matthew Woodward!.

Many of you may not have heard of Matt Woodward’s blog. It hasn’t been around for years, it’s nowhere near the size of a couple of the blogs I’ve already mentioned, but it belongs high up on this list.

Primarily, Matt writes about SEO. Now, I’m not one to obsess over SEO, but Matt’s blog really stands out for me. Whilst Matt has created some great tutorials, built a useful ranking tool, produced some insightful and entertaining videos, and also produced some of the best in-depth reviews I’ve ever read, it is none of this that has landed Matt the 2nd position in my top 5 online marketing blogs.

The reason Matt has grabbed the second position, is because of his blogging craftsmanship. When I read an article on his blog, I don’t feel like I’m reading a blog, I feel like I’m sat in a pub, enjoying a beer with a friend whilst chatting about SEO. His conversational style crafts some pretty complex subject matter into an engaging story, and after being fully entertained and engaged in each article, you come out with a better understanding of the topics he covers.

I also particularly like Matt’s income and traffic reports. He’s fully transparent with his traffic generation methods and happily posts the results to all his income and traffic generation campaigns. Great stuff!

Must Read Article - How I Built a Top 100 Blog in 12 Months and How You Can Do it Too

1. Quick Sprout

There was no doubt in my mind as to which blog should win the number 1 spot.

I’m not sure whether Neil Patel is Superman, or some kind of cyborg sent from a distant future to help mankind by writing an incredible amount of exceptionally valuable internet marketing content. The amount of great content he produces and offers for free is simply staggering.

If you head over to Quick Sprout you’ll find a database of free ebooks (that he could easily charge a fortune for), a blog packed with valuable content, a website analysis tool that gives you useful information regarding SEO and site performance, and a whole series of videos that will really help you with your internet marketing efforts.

If you’re a marketer, blogger, or running an online business, I couldn’t recommend this blog more highly.

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