My Top 10 Signs of a Positive Work Environment
Being part of a company that believes in workplace wellness can mean the difference between a job you love and one you don’t.
A positive work environment is the key to both business and employee success
Healthy workplaces tend to exhibit a common set of traits that foster excellence, productivity and camaraderie.
Here are my Top 10 characteristics of workplace wellness and a positive work environment.
Let me know if you agree, or have any to add.
1. Positive Values
A positive mission statement outlines the goals and demonstrative behaviour that exemplify the highest commitment to quality and service to each other, the company and the customers.
The company sets out to achieve its goals in ethical, honest ways with a sense of purpose to improving the planet and humanity.
2. Relaxed and Productive Atmosphere
People enjoy coming to work and feel appreciated, acknowledged and rewarded.
Creativity, productivity, and thinking outside the box flourish.
Signs of fear, domination, bullying, harassment, and intimidation are absent. And any negative acts that do occur are quickly confronted and handled correctly.
3. Commitment to Excellence
Employees are happy to give that bit extra. They strive to be the best and to deliver top-quality products and services. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions and are recognised and rewarded for their extra effort.
4. Open and Honest Communication
Everyone communicates in a cards-on-the-table manner, solving difficulties in a positive way.
No one plays office politics or mind games and react positively when given difficult feedback accepting it as an opportunity for growth.
5. Cooperation, Support, and Empowerment
Can-do and win-win attitudes are evident signs of a positive work environment.
Employees have a sense of camaraderie, cooperation, and empowerment.
Healthy competition exists without negativity or in house office politics.
6. Sense of Humour
Employees keep things in perspective, have fun, and laugh. Laughter generates endorphins, our natural antidepressants.
7. Compassion, Respect, and Understanding
Kindness and understanding prevail when employees face challenges such as accidents, illnesses, personal tragedies, and natural disasters.
People will usually go the extra mile for others when they’re treated well and with understanding, compassion, and respect.
8. Flexibility
The company and its employees embrace change, accommodate new trends and technology, and incorporate new skills. They know if they don’t, the business will end up a dinosaur. As the saying goes, “Change is the only constant.”
9. Positive Reinforcement
The company and management give correct and easy acknowledgement, appreciation, and gratitude.
Genuine compliments, rewards, bonuses, raises, promotions, and recognition of achievement are oil in the machinery.
10. Emphasis on Health, Family, and Positive Work/Life Balance
There is a good, obvious work life balance structure in place and the management acknowledges that Family will often come first.
Burnout is strongly avoided and clear boundaries are set to prevent over work and excess pressure. Sick days and Mental health days are encouraged, with no expectation to ‘push through’.
It can be difficult to find a Positive Work Environment
Very few companies will hit everything I’ve listed, but knowing what to look for in a workplace and company will help you chose a better employer and have a happier more productive work life.
Good Employers + Better Ways of Working = Happy Employees and Greater Business Success.
Del Page – 20/03/2023