My toolbox to motivate myself
Xavier Pernalete
Apoyo a emprendedores y empresas en la construcción de sus proyectos de software para digitalizar y automatizar sus procesos, logrando así una mayor productividad y eficiencia. Software Engineer @611Digital @toweapp
My toolbox to motivate myself
Yesterday, while listening to a?Lewis House The School of Greatness?podcast, he mentioned that his pillars for life and success were to have Values and Vision. At that moment, I realized that although I had embarked on many ventures, something was missing from my path and this 100% fits me and I discovered that by taking Lewis’ comment and adding another tool, Courage, I can program my brain to fight and continue with my goals. So I put together my toolbox and called it 3V (Courage is Valentia in Spanish).
Values: You must have those basic principles that people like such as respect, commitment, responsibility, and most importantly honesty.
Vision: Everything starts with an idea, it is true, but the idea is nothing if it is not executed, visualize your goal on a large scale, emotionally connect with it. If you can feel it emotionally, your body and brain will program themselves to work every day until you realize you achieved it.
Courage: Due to situations in my childhood, I have been a very insecure person and suffered panic when talking to strangers or people of higher rank, but I understood that I just had to bring out the Courage in me, I mean that Courage is what drives us to do things and contains 50% confidence and 50% security. A rescuer when he goes on his mission is clearly afraid, but his Courage is greater and that makes him trust in his abilities and feel secure in his training and companions.
I wanted to share this, maybe it won’t reach millions of people, I just hope that someone who reads it and feels a little lost can find their way as I was able to find mine.
I am trying to share this discovery through my team at?611 Digital?and on every project I work on with clients and partners and the change has been incredible.
I am?Xavier Pernalete, an entrepreneur and an insatiable learner of successful business models and personal growth.