My Toastmasters Journey - 2 and half years so far (within this club's 20th anniversary year)!
Sau-Wan Lai
MRICS-Commercial Property Advisor, Valuer & Agent | Toastmaster | Connector & facilitator |Rock Climber | Creative Thinker
"How do I gain more confidence in public speaking?" This is what I asked myself 3 years ago, after thinking about giving a short presentation about an aspect of my work, and not really having the confidence in presenting, or speaking to a group of peers, but signing up to do it anyway!
After all, if I continued to procrastinate, I would likely not push myself to present and I wasn't going to be alone, I had my business partner Rebecca to co-present too. Neither of us had the presentation experience, though we both have the professional work experience and knew what we were talking about. However, we all know that this does not always mean that you "can boldly and bravely just talk to an audience". There is a fear of saying the wrong thing, leading to a sense of embarrassment and so on.
We practiced our presentation and delivered it to a room of fellow professionals in a similar field. It was nerve-racking, but we were pleased. However, there was room for improvement, and I am always keen to improve and learn new skills. Presentation skills was going to be one of them, if we or I wanted to feel more comfortable speaking to people and if we wanted to do these peer presentations more often to grow the business.
I considered books, courses and in a networking meeting, was reminded about Toastmasters - a global organisation that helps with public speaking. I say reminded, because I was told about this previously but was too afraid to brave walking into a room full of people. With this reminder - this was post-pandemic and this Toastmasters club was online currently.
I visited Solent Speakers Club and Spinnakers Speakers club online. I found them both to be insightful and interesting, but opted to join Solent Speaker as the timings suited better. That was in January 2021 when I officially signed up and was a paid up member of Solent Speakers Club.
From my very first meeting I remember feeling in awe of the speakers I was listening too, and captivated by the delivery, the "story" they were telling or the topics - some moving, some powerful and some funny. Then learning that some of the speakers - had not been members very long but had come across so confidently, this was incredible to learn. It showed me it was the practicing, the safe space or forum in which people can practice their speaking.
I knew that this was the place for me to start from self improvement journey, and to gain the skills from the meetings itself. However, I further learnt that Toastmasters has Pathways, their educational programme that you can work through at your own pace - that guides, teaches and provides resources to structure and hone your public speaking skills. This was really useful and part of the membership cost too - a bargain! It was really a good all round tool and place to focus my time. With meetings twice a month for a set time, there was no expectations to speak, always friendly and positive feedback, opportunities to learn and listen as well as participate in small roles.
I wanted to capture my progress, but also I considered how my learnings could be a catalyst for someone else, inspired me to create my "youtube channel" recording my speeches, giving a behind the scenes to demonstrate it isn't all plain sailing (despite the Solent Speakers Logo). I started documenting my Toastmasters Journey privately, to enable me to get comfortable viewing myself speaking and critiquing my own efforts and decided to "go public" with it after a period of months, because I decided I wasn't afraid to "put myself out there" I should not be concerned about negative feedback nor feel embarrassed (although I do on occasion cringe) because it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is that I am doing it. If what I do helps one person feel inspired to take a step. If it informs someone of Toastmasters so they can explore for themselves, then it's very much worthwhile.
1 year or so into Toastmasters, I was approached about joining the Committee, and assisting the club as the "Vice President of Membership". I was uncertain, but as the outgoing VPM was encouraging and friendly, I said I'd give it a go. Its about communication, learning about the club and being approachable with visitors and enquirers. I enjoy doing this role.
Whilst I have been a "Toastmaster" I've gained confidence in "off the cuff" speaking, and volunteering "to step in" last minute. I credit this to the continued practice of public speaking during meetings, by taking on various roles, but more specifically to the "Table Topics" element of Toastmaster meetings, where you are given impromptu questions to answer off the cuff, on your feet, without preparation.
This has made me less afraid to speak, and I have been able to volunteer to give a business presentation at First Friday, I have been able to use the structures learnt to give better talks, and BNI member presentations have been numerous - with each, it felt less scary.
Now nearly 2.5 years into being a Toastmaster, I am working my way through Pathways, and currently in "Level 3" - having taken 2 years to complete Level 1 & 2. You can find all my speeches on my youtube channel - supersaueyuk .
I've enjoyed sharing my speeches, my thoughts and my experiences of Toastmasters on social media because I do find it incredibly useful and the evenings are often fun too, because you never know what someone will say with such varied senses of humour from each member. Laughs are plenty, as well as insightful speeches. When I find someone to be of use, it adds value to my life and I'd like to add value to someone else's day too. This is why I'm writing this article, this is why I'm sharing my experiences and journey. A good thing shouldn't be kept secret, it should be shared.
This month, I learnt it will be Solent Speakers Club's 20th anniversary since it first formed. It will be 20 years old in June 2023, next month. What an amazing milestone for a not-for-profit-voluntary group, part of a not-for-profit global organisation! I think that's brilliant, that it has been going for this period of time, and can only imagine how many people have been through its "club doors" and honed their skill and left the group happy with their new found confidence to do whatever they wanted to do having gained whatever they felt they needed.
I'm glad I found this club, this group of lovely people, and the currently expanding membership, that I'm pleased to have assisted in growing. Being a part of a voluntary group, still being on the committee and seeing behind the scenes, a lot goes on to ensure the club runs as well as thrives. It is no easy feat. Kudos to the current members, committee and those before us, that kept the cogs turning and made each visitor who turned into a member feel welcomed.
On Tuesday 16th May 2023, I will be the evenings "Toastmaster" which is the role of running that meeting, and opening the meeting, introducing the speakers and ensuring the night goes smoothly. It is a role I have done a few times, not often, but always a learning opportunity. If you fancy popping along, feel free to join us. We meet at the Lysses House Hotel, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm meeting start time, we are hybrid so there is also a zoom link.
Toastmasters - Solent Speakers Club has given me opportunities to practice, to be among people in similar boats, to learn and listen from people is also part of the journey. I've gained more than I thought I was looking for, and expanded my skills in more than one area, where I wanted to go has taken on a different shape. My horizon has broadened, and my aims of what I wanted to achieve is more than just about my own development. Where else can I go? What else can I achieve as I continue to learn and continue to be an active member of Solent Speakers?? Watch this space ...
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Thanks for sharing your experience and journey. Toastmasters is all about safe spaces for public speaking and creating leaders.