My three volumes of "Think On these Things" - published this last year!
I have written and published three volumes of a series of books under the title: "Think Of These Things!" during 2019. The sub-title is "Thoughts for Now and Eternity!". They are self-published on You can do a search under 'books' for my name, Dr. Norman P. Anderson. They are all available in paperback or in Kindle download format.
Here is a testimonial from a retired pastor, Fred Morse, from Arizona. “I obtained a copy of volume one of “Think on These Things”, (sub-title “Thoughts for Now and Eternity”) by Norman P. Anderson shortly after it came out. I began reading it immediately. Volume one, (there are now three volumes) contains forty nine well written, practical articles. Most articles, or chapters, are just three-five pages in length. Each can be read in a few minutes. In spite of their brevity each article is sharply focused on one point and makes a significant spiritual and practical impact.
Another feature I like is that following each article there are a few short quotations and illustrations, often from well-known personalities. I really enjoy reading these.
I am anxious to read the next two books in this series.” - Rev. Fred Morse, Tempe, AZ.
If you are interested, you can purchase them on However, I can save you some money as I buy them at a reduced price as the author. If interested, just e-mail me at [email protected]. I will respond to your e-mail and get your shipping address and ship them to you, after quoting you a good price, including shipping. In your e-mail, be certain to high-lite that you saw this article on Linked In. Norm Anderson.