- Are you a (noFoe): nation?/ national / native (n)?opting (o) Friendship (F) over (o) enmity (e)?
- Do you want to: get peace (happy) or become a piece (cut, torn, and broken)?
- Pace to Peace: Many peacemakers may not require a pacemaker. In contrast, those with an implanted pacemaker may require peacemakers to hearten their lives ["Blessed are the Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matt. 5:9)].
- Reduce your carbon footprint. Isn't a Green Earth, a Dream Worth?
- Not Me, Not You, but We.
- Be Good, Do Good, and Feel Good.
- What's your ID'entity?: Want to be ID'le or be ID'eal?
- Your attitude towards work will define whether you are hard-working or hardly working.
- Be a CPC (Creative, Productive and Contributive) persona before claiming your CTC (Cost To Company).
- Impossible or I'm possible: I prefer to choose the latter, and what about you?
- "Give it" before choosing "Give up."
- Give it a TRY (Teach, Reach and Yield) in life.
- A one-time pain can be a lifetime gain.
- A "plea" (request) + "sure" (certainly done) gives "pleasure" (happiness). Therefore, productive work happens more under pleasure than pressure ("press, u, re"peatedly).
- Safe and secure food gives feel-good humanhood.
- Safe food can shape us good.
- One Health, Won Life.
- Eat Right to be Alright!
- Never waste food in haste.
- Freedom to LEAP (Live, Enjoy, Accord, and Prosper) and wisdom to REAP (Reach out, Excel, Achieve, and Perform).
- It is a great privilege to simultaneously become a teacher and a learner, where one imparts, and the other imbibes, respectively: a continuum in our teaching-learning process.
- Develop a RAPT (Reform → Aliform → Perform → Transform) persona through 4 Attributes (Attention, Attitude, Attempt, and Attain).
- The path to successful entrepreneurship is → Yearn to Learn (desire and motivation) → Learn to Turn (skills and ability) → Turn to Turnkey (focus and deliverables) → Turnkey to Transform (resources and performance) → Transform to Earn (growth and income) → Earn to Yearn (development and determination) → and this cycle continues...