My thoughts, tags & our actions...
Picture Courtesy: Shutterstock

My thoughts, tags & our actions...

  1. Are you a (noFoe): nation?/ national / native (n)?opting (o) Friendship (F) over (o) enmity (e)?
  2. Do you want to: get peace (happy) or become a piece (cut, torn, and broken)?
  3. Pace to Peace: Many peacemakers may not require a pacemaker. In contrast, those with an implanted pacemaker may require peacemakers to hearten their lives ["Blessed are the Peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matt. 5:9)].
  4. Reduce your carbon footprint. Isn't a Green Earth, a Dream Worth?
  5. Not Me, Not You, but We.
  6. Be Good, Do Good, and Feel Good.
  7. What's your ID'entity?: Want to be ID'le or be ID'eal?
  8. Your attitude towards work will define whether you are hard-working or hardly working.
  9. Be a CPC (Creative, Productive and Contributive) persona before claiming your CTC (Cost To Company).
  10. Impossible or I'm possible: I prefer to choose the latter, and what about you?
  11. "Give it" before choosing "Give up."
  12. Give it a TRY (Teach, Reach and Yield) in life.
  13. A one-time pain can be a lifetime gain.
  14. A "plea" (request) + "sure" (certainly done) gives "pleasure" (happiness). Therefore, productive work happens more under pleasure than pressure ("press, u, re"peatedly).
  15. Safe and secure food gives feel-good humanhood.
  16. Safe food can shape us good.
  17. One Health, Won Life.
  18. Eat Right to be Alright!
  19. Never waste food in haste.
  20. Freedom to LEAP (Live, Enjoy, Accord, and Prosper) and wisdom to REAP (Reach out, Excel, Achieve, and Perform).
  21. It is a great privilege to simultaneously become a teacher and a learner, where one imparts, and the other imbibes, respectively: a continuum in our teaching-learning process.
  22. Develop a RAPT (Reform → Aliform → Perform → Transform) persona through 4 Attributes (Attention, Attitude, Attempt, and Attain).
  23. The path to successful entrepreneurship is → Yearn to Learn (desire and motivation) → Learn to Turn (skills and ability) → Turn to Turnkey (focus and deliverables) → Turnkey to Transform (resources and performance) → Transform to Earn (growth and income) → Earn to Yearn (development and determination) → and this cycle continues...


