My thoughts on Phil Stutz's ideas and his tools (Visualization Exercises)
Phil Stutz

My thoughts on Phil Stutz's ideas and his tools (Visualization Exercises)

Phil Stutz's techniques perfectly align with my perspectives on grounding and striving for greater heights

I would like to present my thoughts on Stutz's wisdom and visualization exercises and the step icons I created for the Restoration Method steps. I call him the"wise man." With his 40 years of experience, Phil Stutz and his masterpiece methods caught my attention, and I decided to write this piece while directing my focus on his techniques; the fact of the focus determined this article. I also want to thank all the contributing individuals and companies for making "Jonah Hill's Therapist Documentary: The Tools from 'Stutz.'"

Surprisingly, Stutz's visualization exercises aligned perfectly with the perspectives and tools I have envisioned over the years. This alignment underscores the importance of grounding ourselves while simultaneously reaching for greater heights. Let's begin by grounding ourselves as we strive to soar.

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Phil Stutz
Phil Stutz's methods, which focus on speed and allowing patients to change, are powerful and straightforward, involving significant psychological transformations through visualization exercises and simple tools while avoiding hypocrisy.

"Why are you here?" that's the first question?psychotherapist?Phil Stutz asks all his patients.

"Why are we here?"

The results of his tools are tangible. Speed and allowing patients to change are the keys to his teachings. His methods are?beautiful,?plain, and yet?powerful. His approach can involve significant psychological transformations if thoroughly practiced with the visualization exercises he instructs. Stutz draws diagrams on notecards to explain concepts that can also be found in this article.

Phil removes the hypocrisy in healing in some of today's religious and New Age groups; instead, he guides us with simple tools and avoids complicating the truth for financial gain.


Life force involves nurturing your physical body, connecting with others, and building a relationship with your higher self to manifest your passion and align with the universe's expansion while accepting pain, uncertainty, and constant work.

Life force is the living purpose of consciousness in the material realm. You need to figure?out "Three levels of life force," which is the relationship with your...

  • Physical Body?(which requires proper eating, the appropriate level of activities, and good sleep)
  • Other People?(you need to take the initiative with others, so you connect with the grid of all there is by way of others)
  • Yourself?(you are required to build a relationship with your higher selves)

You should always be working on your "life force." Activating your life force is possible by knowing "who you are" and having a?sense of direction.?If you always work on your life force, everything else will fall into place. The expanded?life force will manifest your passion. When scientists say the universe is expanding, it also refers to an identical expansion happening in the inner universe because the outer and inner universes are entangled. As Jalaluddin Rūmī states, "Whatever you seek is seeking you," so the "life force" guides the "passion" to find "you." Rūmī also told the budding traveler, "The way is difficult, and the road is rough. But the destination is worth every step."

You need to understand?three aspects of reality?and understand that they will always exist for you to progress to become what you are meant to be:

  • PAIN

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Life Force


Part X is the judgmental force that obstructs growth and bliss, often seen as the "devil," to counter it, embrace vulnerability and openness to connect with others and manifest the life force.
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Part X

The force driven by growth makes you alive, and Part X's function is to avoid growth and obstruct bliss. Part X is the judgmental part of you and the voice of impossibility. It wants to block the progress of your evolution and diminish the improvement ratio. Abrahamic religions may call the concept of Part X the "devil."

Embrace openness and expose yourself to the outside world. Be open to vulnerability and accept your wrongdoings. Vulnerability connects you to the rest of the world and is the only way to move forward in your human expansion.

The force of human interactions manifests the "life force," which is the invisible field that creates things.??

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Part X


You are the only one who can add pearls, representing actions, to the string of life. Each pearl has the same value despite imperfections, and true confidence comes from living in uncertainty and continuing to move forward.

You are the only person who can add the next pearl to the string of life. Every pearl has the same value regardless of the unit-life significance of that instant. True confidence is living in uncertainty and being able to move forward.

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String of Pearls

Do not lessen the flow of existence; keep adding pearls to the string. Even if the outcome is bad, another pearl is added to the string. Each circle, as in"Pearl," is an action, and each action has the same value, no matter what it is. Each pearl also has a turd, which represents imperfections and lessons learned.? Playing in the dirt and accumulating turds on your pearls is okay; it is just the way it is.

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String of Pearls


Everyone has a shadow representing parts of their past they are ashamed of; to become whole, you need to communicate with and give attention to your shadow by visualizing it, listening to it, and honoring it, thereby overcoming the influence of Part X and avoiding living a secret, fragmented life.
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Everybody has a shadow from their earlier life. Shadow is the life part of being ashamed of what you wish didn't exist. Now, you need to start communicating and giving attention to it.

Exercise: Close your eyes and visualize your shadow.

- Talk to your shadow

- Listen to your shadow

- Ask how it feels about you

- Ask how it feels to be denied or avoided

?- Shadow needs attention from you, not from the outside world

?- Visualize it, honor it, and engage with it

What can you do since you did not give the shadow enough attention?

Part X is your doubts and deepest fears; the shadow is the by-product of believing whatever Part X tells you.?Communicating and giving attention to your shadow will make you a wholesome, decent person who's trustworthy to yourself and not living a forbidden secret life in the maze. Once you connect within, you don't need anything else. Miscommunication with your shadow will make you do undesirable things, which will feed Part X, and not getting the shadow's significance across your insight will keep you in the maze.


The snapshot represents the illusion of perfection in various aspects of life, but striving for this illusion hinders true progress; instead, focus on adding pearls to the string of life, embracing the dynamic flow of existence rather than being trapped in a static, unrealistic ideal.
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Snapshot / The realm of illusion

Snapshot is the realm of illusion, where you seek the perfect image of yourself. People desire the perfect experience, the perfect companion, the perfect finances, and the perfect level of success.

You shouldn't work to achieve the snapshot; you should work to put another pearl on the string to continue your evolution. Something much better than a snapshot awaits you within you. That sense of perfectionism forces you to live in the snapshot corresponding to a frozen moment with no dynamism or depth; it is just an illusion. Snapshot deteriorates the flow of life, where the flow is everything; it is life by itself and can be defined as the "velocity of now." The snapshot is not true-to-life, just an illusion and by-product of Part X.


Being stuck in the maze, seeking fairness, halts your progress and is driven by Part X, which traps you in a false hope of fairness and prevents you from moving forward in life.
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The Maze

You can not proceed in life if you are stuck in "the maze," stopping to seek fairness. Life is precious and can not be held off. Asking for fairness puts life on hold. The maze always involves other people and is the element of Part X. Part X always looks for fairness. Part X is a false Messiah who makes us look for faux hope of fairness to keep us in the maze of an inferno.


Active love frees you from the maze of seeking fairness by practicing love and visualizing, absorbing, and emitting loving energy, even towards negative experiences or people, thus untangling yourself from bitterness and emotional deception.
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Act of Love

The average person wants to pay back for fairness and look at other people. You need to practice the act of love to free yourselves from the maze because you will not get justice in this attending kingdom you are residing.

Exercise:?Close your eyes and imagine a whole universe composed entirely of loving energy, then visualize your physical self absorbing all that love and taking the rays of love into your heart. Then, imagine taking all of that concentrated love and emitting it onto another person or a negative experience that has stayed with you. You hold nothing back. You feel the love enter people you don't like. You can visualize yourself becoming one with the person or thing that wronged you or an experience, trauma, failed project, enterprise, or image. Then say to yourselves, if I can become one with this douchebag or a nasty thing, I can become one with everyone else, even the universe. This mastery act of love frees you from "the maze" of agony. An act of love doesn't mean you are required to love your enemies; sending love to them is a mechanism to remove them, a way of untanglement from them. (untanglement is the term I invented, which means the opposite of entanglement) It is the mechanism for eliminating the nasty neighbor from your residence and kicking him/her outside the street where s/he belongs.

You can be stuck in Maze for 40 or 50 years. You can even die while stuck in the maze; then, you can be there indefinitely since consciousness is an infinite phenomenon. Heaven is not in the maze, and the ultimate goal is not to be in the maze while dying. That's why some explain being in the maze as eternal damnation in Hell; that's the supreme objective of Part X, anyway.

Visualization of a worthless pursuit for fairness keeps you stuck in the past and puts your life on hold as you attach to that bitterness. The maze keeps you lost in an emotional and psychologically deceptive realm.?


Radical acceptance, which involves rejecting negative judgment and finding opportunities in every event, is the antidote to judgment and stops the pursuit of fairness. It allows you to stay in the present and maintain emotional and physical health.

You are not allowed to go through any negative state in your body hormonally. Make that negative voice "shut the hell up." Then, You will be in the "tremendous zone of opportunity" once you start finding opportunities in every event it does no matter how small or big that is.?Plus, you will have a specimen of bodily health due to homeostasis in your systems from not allowing negative processes.

You start out judging somebody else. But eventually, the judgment will turn back around and attack you. Radical acceptance is the antidote to judgment. Don't let anyone get inside your head. If you hate someone, they win over you because you welcome that clown into your party.

Seeking revenge and justice puts you in "the maze" and stops the flow of life. The fundamental attainment is accepting that this physical reality we are living in is unfair. Full fairness resides in only the medley realities of the "now," which are much deeper than our physical reality.

It is useless to have a notion of Judgment of yourself, others, and what could happen in the future, which does not exist since all we have is only a "now." The past is a dream of today; the future does not even exist; when it arrives, it becomes just another "now," so we only have the pearls of nows on this string of life.?


Maintaining a constant state of gratefulness counteracts the negativity of Part X, allowing you to break through unhappiness and reach enlightenment. Practice gratitude by naming what you are thankful for, feeling that appreciation, and accessing it during difficult times.
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Grateful Flow

Our persona will not always win; still, we should have an unstoppable will to move forward. You need to be in a state of gratefulness all the time. Not being grateful is one of the alluring works of Part X.

Exercise: Close your eyes and name the things you are grateful for. Then, feel the same gratefulness, creating threads of appreciation. Capture and hold that feeling. Cherish that gratefulness and access it in trouble and times of sorrow.

Think of your unhappiness as a dark cloud blocking the Sun. How do you penetrate that cloud and let the light in? The way through is gratitude. Gratitude allows you to break through any haze of negative thought, and the grateful flow creates concentrated gratitude in your mind.?

Gratefulness puts you in a state of enlightenment. Breaking the dark cloud makes you reach the sun. Once up there, you are enlightened by the sun's rays that you touched and unified. Part X does not want that, and it tells you there is nothing to be grateful about; you are screwed, and you are the victim; that's the devil talking. so that you can look at the dark cloud and stay in the maze.


Nonattachment is a powerful practice where you fearlessly pursue what you want but are unafraid to let it go. By visualizing yourself letting go of cherished things and merging with the Sun, you transform into light, radiating and expanding infinitely. This practice helps you overcome the fear of loss and embrace the concept of rebirth, realizing that death is not the end but a transition.
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Loss Processing

Nonattachment is a potency; in other words, you should fearlessly pursue the things you want, but you should also teach yourself to be unafraid to let them go.

Exercise: Imagine yourself hanging from a branch. The branch represents something you cherish, something you love. You are afraid to let go but let go anyway; the falling is gentle, and visualize your physical self falling onto the Sun's surface. While falling, Say: "I am willing to lose everything" Once you hit, your physical body as your "Instrument of possession" disappears, absorbed by the Sun's tremendous energy. You're then transformed into the light and become the Sun; you start radiating the sun's rays and then visualize an infinite number of suns; in other words, you're everywhere and can expand as quickly as you want. Say, "We are everywhere." Instead of grasping, all you can do is give. This state of being called the "world of suns."?The only way to unify with the Sun is first to fall, then burn at the sun's rays and disappear in the palm of nothingness, then you are everything.

I can assure you that Death is not the end; there is rebirth, and you can experience rebirth in this material field ahead of biological death. Yet once reborn, you will have no fear except for being in the maze of your invention. Since we haven't gone through the experience of death, implying we've never died before, and death doesn't exist in our unconscious, that's why we can't fear death itself. According to Freud, when we say we are afraid of death, we fear something else, such as abandonment and various unresolved conflicts. Fear of death is the outcome of a sense of responsibility.

I pledge to cherish what I learned from Phil's methods and continually improve what I retained.

Phil Stutz and Jonah Hill, thank you a million for pleasantly simplifying and smoothly presenting very deep, meaningful concepts.

Preview of Restoration Method

The "Restoration Method" begins with the intention to escape the maze, embrace gratitude, connect with one's shadow, live in reality, and let go of attachments to spread truth and achieve harmony.

I devised one step of visualization of all the concepts, called the "Restoration Method."?The first step is the intention. Here is the intention I wrote:?

I restore myself to my origin.?

I get out of the maze I'm in.?

By adding the next pearl to the string, I escape the vicious situations that Part X tries to put me through.?

I contact my shadow and listen without neglecting.?

I live in the reality of life, not in an illusional snapshot.?

I receive, feel, and vibrate active love.

I send frequency of love to my adversaries, problems I have, and traumas to clear them from my life.?

I learn lessons and compile gain in every moment with gratefulness.

I reach my objectives, but be ready to let them go and continue to spread that frequency of the sun I am.

After writing the above intention, I discovered a fascinating way to capsulate all the methods in a session, which looks promising. I will write a separate article about it.

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Phil Stutz and Jonah Hill


The Restoration Method involves visualizing your soul, body, connections with others, and higher self, handling challenges, and practicing gratitude and nonattachment to achieve balance and continuous growth.

Restoration Method

I restore myself to my origin. I get out of the maze I'm in. I escape the vicious situations that Part X tries to put me through by continuing to add the next pearl to the string. I contact my shadow and listen without neglecting. I live in the reality of life, not in an illusional snapshot. I receive, feel, and vibrate the truth. I send balancing frequencies to my adversaries, problems, and traumas to clear them from my life. I learn lessons and compile gains in every moment with gratefulness. I reach my objectives but am ready to let them go and continue to spread the frequency of the sun I am.”

First, visualize your soul as turquoise energy and embody it.

  1. Body Restoring: Transform the turquoise light into a Life force. Communicate with the life force. Then, enter your physical body as a life force and envision that it is healing all your problems and restoring all the 100 trillion cells and organ systems.
  2. People: The transformed Life Force Energy takes the initiative, coming out from your heart, creating a grid with people around you, and spreading to all 8 billion living people and all other created beings, like nodes on a network. See, the links are getting stronger; you are the central node.
  3. Higher Self: See yourself and your surroundings from the outside. Be one with your higher self and connect with it; be it.
  4. Three Aspects of Reality: Visualize pain, uncertainty, and constant work as steps on the stairs of your voyage. These aspects are blessings that force you to reach the light.
  5. Part X: See the Xs around you, where they are blocking your progress, and see the light from your heart enter into Xs and explode them. Feel and hear the explosions. See the surroundings clear out. Feel the stillness around you; now, nothing is obstructing your progress.
  6. String of Pearls: See the globe shape like your inner universe. It consists of past pearls placed, and some are not lit up; enter them with your blue light, light them up, and pledge there will be no more inattentive pearls on the string.
  7. Shadow: Visualize your shadow. Listen to your shadow. Ask how it feels about you. Ask how it feels to be denied or avoided. Have a conversation. The shadow needs attention from you, not from the outside world. Visualize it, honor it, and engage with it. What can you do since you did not give the shadow enough attention?
  8. Snapshot: Destroy your snapshot where your perfect image, experience, companion, finances, and the perfect level of success reside. Feel yourself in the moment of now. Feel the explosion, and then come to your reality.
  9. Maze: Imagine yourself in the maze and feel how it presses and depresses you. Then, destroy the maze you have been living in for decades. Feel the explosion, return to your path, and continue moving toward the light.
  10. Active Benevolence:?Imagine a whole universe composed entirely of benevolent energy. Visualize your physical self, absorbing all that balance and taking the rays of benevolence into your heart. Then, imagine taking all of that concentrated benevolence and emitting it onto another person or a negative experience that has stayed with you. Hold nothing back. Feel the balance enter people you don't like. Visualize yourself becoming one with the person or thing that wronged you or an experience, trauma, failed project, enterprise, or image. Then, say to yourself, "If I can become one with this negative situation, I can become one with everyone else, even the universe." Feel the stillness around you without adversaries after the balance enters all these negativities. You are the universe in a state of balance.
  11. Radical Acceptance: Create a shield to prevent negativity from entering you. Visualize the negativities and the shield you have created blocking them, and command yourself that from now on, you have the shield, and no more foreign negative things can enter.
  12. Grateful Flow: Name the things you are grateful for and then feel the same gratitude, creating threads of appreciation and capturing and holding that feeling. Think of your unhappiness as a dark cloud blocking the Sun. Break through that cloud and reach the Sun. Become that state of gratitude.
  13. Loss Processing: Imagine yourself hanging from a branch. The branch represents something you cherish, something you love. You are afraid to let go, but let go anyway; the fall is gentle, and visualize your physical self falling onto the Sun's surface. While falling, say: "I am willing to lose everything." Once you hit, your physical body, as your "Instrument of possession," disappears, absorbed by the Sun's tremendous energy. You then transform into the light and become the Sun; you start radiating the Sun's rays and then visualize an infinite number of suns; in other words, you're everywhere and can expand as quickly as you want. Say, "We are everywhere." Feel yourself to be everywhere.
  14. Command: Instruct your 37.2 trillion cells—including red blood cells, skin cells, muscle cells, and all other cellular elements—to remember these emotional states you have just experienced and activate them when needed.



{1} Jonah Hill's Therapist Documentary: The Tools from 'Stutz' - Netflix Tudum.

{2} Freud on Death - Sigmund Freud.

{3} Phil Stutz Books -

Matthias Stickel

Business Development @NETHINKS | UGC Creator & Networking | Optimizing CLV | Improving RECOMMENDATION & CONVERSION RATE | Minimizing CHURN

9 个月

Just have seen the documentary last night - one of grateful flow experiences from yesterday and also today … life could (and will!) be so much better from now on … with a little bit of inhaling of these wise words! Everybody is fighting his demons and so gets the real intense feeling of his own part X … thanks ? Hasan Ozalp for sharing and even more Jonah Hill for making that documentary over such a long time … to get a view on his inner thoughts and get an inside on his deep friendship with Phil! Best scene ??… the fake wig and never loosing their fun about all … ???? Greetz from Germany. Excuse my broken English … hope it makes sense somehow ??

Bekir Do?an

Apparel & Accessories Overseas Procurement Manager

2 年

Remarkable perspective.

Michael L. Gun

Entrepreneur / General Contractor

2 年

Thank you very mush for the detailed summary of the documentary. I think all creatures are a kind of traveller from self to innerslef. Or, sometimes they feel that the destination is the Ultimate Creator rather than innerslef. Either way, it does not change the reality of being a traveller. The way is long, the destination is at the infinite. So, enjoy being on the way while focusing to the destination. This documentery is a good help to the travellers. Thanks again to Phil Stutz, Jonah Hill and all the others who has involved this project, and Hasan Ozalp for making vonderfull summary and commnets.

Hasan Ozalp

Actual Intelligence (AI)

2 年

Archival Footage and Photos Courtesy of Phil Stutz, Getty Images, Shutterstock "Lovesick Blues," written by Cliff Friend and Irving Mills Music Performed?by Emi Miles Music Inc. Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corporation By arrangement with Warner Music Group Production Legal Services?SmithDehn LLP., Russell Smith, Chris Matson, Vidya Devaiah Production Accountant?Jennifer Witere Payroll Services?GreenSlate LLC Greenslate Paymaster?Lauren Schramko Assistant to Hill Danni Duffy Office Production Assistants?Sarah Rooney, Chris Nguyen, Jamie Verser Thanks?to Chrissie Abbott, Judd Apatow, Courtney Applebaum, Ari Aster, Karl Austen, K.K. Barrett, Tamra Davis, Davis Aiamond, Michael Diamond, Skyler Diamond, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lena Dunham, Charlie Feldstein, Dana Feldstein, Josh Feldstein, Andrea Galdamez, Spencer Harrison, David Gelb, Nick Gillie, Alana Haim, Dr. Johanna Herwitz, Sharon Jackson, Rashida Jones, Spike Jonze, Bobby Kotick, Liz Mahoney, Adam Mckay, Barry Michels, Bennett Miller, Kyle Miller, Mike Mills, Sara Murphy, Dave Ortiz, Lucy Pardee, Malcolm Rizzuto, Paul Tyler, Adam Ladies, Michael Woodcock, Ezra Woods, Rick Yorn, Part X.

Hasan Ozalp

Actual Intelligence (AI)

2 年

VFX Supervisor?David Nieman VFX Producer?Summer Allen VFX Assistant?Lukas Salazar VFX Artists Garrett Wyckoff, Russell Clark, Davy Saunders, Rakan Sinndi, James Dastoli, Robert Dastoli, Chas Naylor, Oleg Karpenko, Joon Speer, Patton Tunstall Visual Effects Pyrite Technologies - Enterprise Digital Marketing Agency? Digital Animators?Adam Singer, Eric Del Aguila Digital Compositors Brad Moylan, John R Mcconnell Graphic Design Dave Drage Color and Finish?by Company 3 Co3 Executive Producer/Colorist Stefan Sonnenfeld Additional Colorist Jared Pecht? Finishing Producer?Jessica Stone Finishing Editor?Paul Carlin Image Scientist Emily Saw Technologist?Mike Chiado Color Assistants?Michael Ochoa, Frankie Hudson, Maley B. Finishing Executive?David Feldman Heads of production Laura Geucherian, Carl Moore Re-recorded?at Monkeyland Audio, Inc. Supervising Sound Editor Trip Brock, M.P.S.E. Dialogue Editor?Jackie Johnson, Ray Quintana Sound Effects Editor?Bruce Greenspan, M.P.S.E., Itai Levvy Assistant Sound Editor Phil Minard? Post Sound Coordinator?Rob Embry VP Post Production Services Michael Toji?Re-recording Mixer Trip Brock, M.P.S.E.


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