My thoughts on peace
Justin Roux
Communications, trouble-shooting and strategy for companies going through change
I don't usually share thoughts like these on LinkedIn because I think it's a professional platform but I'm going to make an exception because I believe that movers and shakers should... well... move and shake the world. I also believe that, at this time, it's appropriate to share a personal viewpoint that's been brought to me through my professional experiences.
In my travels, I have seen the best and the worst that humans can do. I have looked down a gun from both ends, laughed and wept with people of every background and realised that, whatever humanity is, it is not the right or title of any ethnicity, of any level of wealth, any level of power or any level of education.
I have walked in Israel and Palestine and looked at both from either side of the imaginary lines drawn by men. My thoughts are these:
Peace existed before humans. There is peace on the surface of the moon and there is peace in the Antarctic. Humans ARE NOT required for peace, but humans ARE required for war. That fact alone is enough to shame us all into thought.
Peace does not understand politics and it is blind to borders. Peace does not bargain, it does not have terms, and it does not favour any one belief-system over another. Religion and politics do not start wars any more than guns kill people: it is arrogant, intolerant, prejudiced, over-entitled human beings that do both of those things. This is true.
So to those who call for peace: make sure you mean peace. To those who pray for peace: understand peace. To those who hope for peace: be clear of what you hope for. We have a bigger battle to fight and it requires us to be united: to be at peace.
“Oh hush your noise, you men of strife, and hear the angels sing.”
Love for all, hatred for none.
Head of Sustainability Safety & Wellness
1 年Very eloquently put Justin. I totally agree with your perspective
Executive Coach, Advisor, Mentor & Avid Collector of Art
1 年"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding." Albert Einstein Justin, Great piece. Salaam/Shalom
Managing Director and founder of Riverside House
1 年Thanks Justin…
Running high-value conferences and exhibitions in now-and-future-tech markets
1 年The problem with despotism: it's full of despots. Not the best listeners.
Independent Consultant at Data and Compliance Solutions
1 年Thank you Justin outstanding piece. Best wishes and hope all is good with you