My Thoughts: I AM BAND Review 2020

Hello everyone, hope you are healthy and safe at home. The year 2020 has not been the best year for the majority of people. I mean straight from the month of January, we have been receiving news like World War III rumors, Australia Wildfire, Kobe Bryant death and whatnot. 

The sad part is that this series of awful news is still going strong. Now, we are tackling with one of the most deadly viruses out there i.e. Coronavirus. The whole COVID-19 situation is responsible for a global lockdown where people are trapped inside their homes. 

It’s been almost two months since the coronavirus outbreak took place in different countries around the world. Italy, the United States of America, and Russia are some of the worst-hit countries by the COVID-19. To date, millions of people have died and thousands of people have been laid off. 

In the past few weeks, I have noticed that with so much negativity around, people are now turning to the spiritual side. And to be very honest, the materialistic possessions seem to be losing their value. Being a content creator, I decided to dig deep and take a look at the things that people are finding solace in. 

This is when I came across I AM BAND Bracelet, a brand that is known to offer spiritual protection to its users. You may be does it do that? Well, I Am Band has created a bracelet that they claim as one of the most powerful bracelets that work effectively in blocking out negative energy. 

Now, I know what’s on your mind. Really! Does that thing work? Well, allow me to state a very obvious fact here. For the past few centuries, we have witnessed the dependence of human beings on the practice of worshipping. Every religion has its own image of God which they follow and believe upon. This belief has further been transferred into objects. 

For example, if we talk about Indian culture only. Here people are highly inclined towards wearing precious stones like Ruby, Emerald, and whatnot to bring wealth, prosperity, and good luck into their lives. Similarly, we have the concept of Evil Eye which I am totally obsessed with. I mean, my obsession level has reached to that point that I have a freaking Evil Eye tattooed on my arm but that’s a story for another time. Yes, that’s right! Instead of wearing evil eye jewelry like earrings, bracelets, or necklaces, I got it inked on me. For now, let’s just maintain our focus on Spiritual Protection. 

What I found really interesting about the I Am Band bracelet is the wide range of benefits it states for the people who wear it. Let me list down a couple of those plus points of I Am Band bracelet here:

In case you are interested in knowing more about I AM BAND, I am providing all links of its online shop and social media platforms:

Official - I Am Band Website -

Online Shop - I Am Band Stores - and 

Social Media - Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.   

Now, one that I would like to mention here is that the I Am Band bracelet is as powerful as you would make it. Remember, it is the belief that makes sure everything works in a better and smoother way. So, if you are someone who thinks that I Am Band is the right choice for them. Just go ahead and order it with full faith, don’t doubt the process. 

Frankly, I think I Am Band is one of those products that I will be soon seeing trending on major social media platforms like Instagram. A couple of bloggers have even started posting pictures and videos wearing the I Am Band bracelet. It's only a matter of time, till one such I Am Band video goes viral on a platform like TikTok with millions of users from all around the world. 

Thank you so much for reading everyone! 


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