My Thought

Many are thinking that the return of Christ will maybe be with flying wings coming down from heaven or maybe in a chariot with white horses but what if Christ is here, watching, seeing all. As I sip my coffee this morning I think to myself what if Christ is the beggar guy, that old weird man sitting at the corner, that man that everyone try to stay away from and drop him a few pity coins or a dollar a day. Does not this man sit there days and nights, disappearing for a few days…? Does he? Would we notice if he does? Maybe we do because as humans we tend to see when something is missing even a little fleetingly. But would we know if it was Christ. He is outside all the time, maybe day and night, and we know that the dark overs a lot of secrets in the happenings of a individuals life, he maybe witnessed to all these, you would think him impervious maybe, but he sees you…?.

So what if Christ is a beggar on the street begging, not for coins but for an individual to just stop and look at him and not see the beggar but see Him a man of flesh and blood, an individual that came here and made such a huge statement with him death, not to speak of the miraculous work that he did during His lifetime and made such huge impact on so so many lives…. that he is spoken about for centuries, whether it is in denial or confirmation, or just plain debate all over the world!! The point is that people from all nation around the world have heard of this individual …..what if Christ is me and you…..twisted…?

Jesus said to them. 23“Truly I tell you that if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and has no doubt in his heart but believes that it will happen, it will be done for him. 24Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received i(t, and it will be yours.…(Mark 11:22:23)



