My Third Week in Lock-Down
Dr. Watson and Cpt. Hastings - Looking Very Well Behaved

My Third Week in Lock-Down

This is it. 

We’re all in. 

It’s the time we all need to remember grit and resilience. Hanging in there to stay at home, finding ways to adjust to new routines. 

This isn’t a sprint. It’s a marathon. 

The last week hasn’t been all that different from the others; but the uncertainty of not knowing when we’ll get out of this is pushing me way out of my comfort zone. 

After all. I’m independent. I do whatever I like to do - whenever I like to do it. Not walking over others, but just mindful of my needs. Creating space and an environment to nurture learning. And now I can’t. 

My wings have been clipped. 

I’m out of control in this situation. And am trying to adjust to ‘do as you’re told’; fiercely holding on to the belief that I’m telling myself it’s best to stay at home. Because my time of being controlled by others is done for good. 

So, how can you run a marathon with clipped wings? 

It’s a mindset thing. We need to develop ourselves in this time in a way that’s challenging because the change is forced upon us. But while our wings are clipped, we’re learning  to use our feet and hands, as well as our brain in ways we haven’t in a long time (if ever). 

Simply by controlling our mind. 

That’s right: we can’t control the situation outside of our house. But we can control our reactions and actions towards the situation. 

It’s not easy! 

If you’ve ever been in a situation where something didn’t go according to your plans, you know how being out-of-control feels frustrating, scary - and how your emotions are taking over turning you into a ‘crazy’ version of yourself. 

I know this from personal experience, and I have a lot of time to practice (if I remember to keep control of my mind!). My dogs have a reputation for being the best behaved. Yet, when we’re out they often chase off to say hello to other dogs and people. 

It’s not like they calmly trot towards them, wagging their tails; NO - they race fiercely to see who and what is coming towards us (one of them throws in the occasional growl, too). I’m mortified! And I don’t know whether to cry, scream or just ignore the behaviour (I’ve tried all of the above). 

All I know is that I got to keep on trying - and so do you. 

Everyday I walk my dogs. Everyday I might encounter other walkers and other dogs. I practice control over my mind with a mantra (“safety and understanding”) - and control over my dogs with … treats! 

There may be little I can do about the situation outside, but I know my mind is expanding, my brain is making new connections and I’m LEARNING tons! And, actually, I love it! 

Where are you at? 

What’s your coping strategy? 

Drop me a comment on here or a direct message if you’d like to discuss this more privately. 

Much love, 


Be Clear. Do Your Magic.


