My ThinkUp App Review
Raymond Merritt
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My Thinkup App Review,
According to famed personal development legend Napoleon Hill in his famous work “Think and Grow Rich” repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith. Well, that was published in 1937. I would imagine scientific discovery has revealed other ways in addition since that was written, but everybody knows affirmations are a dead ringer for self-programming.
A friend recommended this app to me about 5 years ago. I immediately upgraded to the premium version recognizing the power of this valuable tool. Recommendations most often carry some sort of link for self-profit. Well, that’s not happening here.
If you hadn’t heard of this app and know the power of affirmations run, don’t walk (per se) to download this app to your device.
I’ll give you a couple of tips and some great affirmations I created for the sales professional within the last week you will love.
Most that have some knowledge in the realm of personal development have heard it takes 21 days to ingrain a habit. It probably depends on the person but that is generally accepted as the norm.
Here are 6 great features to love about the ThinkUp app:
1. One great thing about the app is it let’s you know how many days in a row you have opened and used the app. To be honest I don’t remember ever using it 21 consecutive days until now. But lately for whatever reason I’ve been focusing on using it with great results in my mental attitude. And I’m happy to say as of the writing of this article I’ve completed 32 consecutive days. It’s ingrained!!
2. Most personal development coaches and experts agree that affirmations created with recordings of your own voice are far more effective. You have that with this app.
3. it’s been scientifically proven that music at certain beats per second relaxes the mind for programming. The app provides background music for that, and you have the option of importing your own. Baroque classical music is notably recognized for its “alpha wave” beats per second and sounds of nature are recommended as well. Delta wave beats per second are even slower and recommended for programming when sleeping.
4. You can set a timer up to one hour should you want to drip off to sleep listening. That’s something I do since the subconscious never sleeps it’s my belief you get your best programming then. Most often I don’t even use the timer and let it play all night.
5. You can have guided instruction from the app to relax you prior to the session with your own voice, as well as a guided transition coming out of your session. Personally, I don’t use those but that’s an option.
6. Lastly you can adjust the volume of your voice as well as the volume of the background music you choose. With adjustments for time intervals between the affirmations as well as shuffle and presentation mode.
Conclusion: I love this app and I believe you will too. I’ll close with some suggested affirmations for the sales professional I just created for prospecting, but you have the unlimited option of creating your own folders whether they be for self-esteem, weight loss, confidence, goal setting or whatever you decide. The possibilities are endless. Happy programming!
Pro Tip 1: When creating your affirmations speak enthusiastically in a spirit of absolute belief and faith. Plain unemotional words do not influence the subconscious mind (as stated in “Think and Grow Rich”).
Pro Tip 2: Be sure to record your affirmations with as little background noise as possible. I usually will create mine in the middle of the night when there’s as little noise as possible.
·???Every day in every way I am getting better and better at prospecting.
·???The more people who respond with “no” or “not interested” the more determined I become.
·???I am focused and never quit.
·???I am a tenacious prospector. I follow up relentlessly.
·???I am an excellent communicator. I focus on nurturing relationships.
·???I am attracting everything I need to be successful in business and in life.
·???I see myself persistently carrying out the actions to achieve my goals.
·???My subconscious brings to my consciousness great ideas when I arise in the morning.
·???I am enthusiastic and transfer that enthusiasm to others.
·???I demand of myself the persistent pursuit of excellence in everything I do.
All the best,