My Take On The George Floyd Killing
Not much to say right about now with regards to business and retail since I am still trying to make sense of the latest murder of another unarmed black male in the US. Just thinking about the murder by this police officer is really maddening and frustrating knowing that America has a long ways to go in repairing it's warped racial issues because even though there has been word that the country has reached a post racial period it's still not able to shake its image that their police officers just kill at will at it citizens.
This especially when it comes to it's black population particularly it's black males who are always stuck at the end of the barrel. It is very confusing and complex in finding out what are on the minds of these police officers when they are face to face with black people. Do racist thoughts come to them or is it a number of events which cause them to just shoot them without thinking? I am not sure but they probably going through a lot of stress in their lives which cause them to react negatively to these group of people due to maybe the strides they have made in the country.
Or it could be just another way of expressing their racist code against black people especially black men because these white police officers have committed a lot of murders against black people and have gotten away with it. This is probably due to the laws that they are protected with while dismissing most of the cases of dead black people who have families that will probably never seek any form of justice or closure and that's sad because I would think that laws like the one in America would protect every one but with George Floyd's death it isn't the case at all.