My take on 3rd Level Support

My take on 3rd Level Support

I HATE I.T.!!!?Yell my two colleagues as they are trying to solve a problem at a client…but the excitement and chatter as they start to think they know what is causing the problem; is exhilarating.?Their energy levels go up and you can see the excitement as they start trouble shooting and getting closer and closer to the root cause.

I find the technical definition for Level 3 support rather dry.

Level 3 support consists of experts, who may include specialists such as architects, engineers, and creators. These support experts have access to the highest level of company and product information. They can provide solutions for a wide variety of technical problems.”

Here is my definition:

“Level 3 support is PROBLEM SOLVING.?It often has very little to do with the hardware, but more to do with how the hardware is integrating into the environment around it.

Level 3 support will require you to do a lot of investigating into how something should be set up, and compare it to, how it is actually set up and then investigate how that will impact other technical layers within the environment.

Suddenly you are no longer working in a contained environment.?The world of Level 3 support expands considerably and requires you to have GOOD RELATIONSHIPS with other departments to work together to make sure everything works smoothly and coherently.”

It has been great fun to watch my colleagues problem solve and work their way through the different layers to discover what the root cause is.

It really did make me stop and go, “I don’t think we have a good definition of Level 3 support”.?I hope you have enjoyed my definition.

My next piece will be on why one should set up a lab…this has been another learning of mine watching my colleagues at work.?It has been fascinating and I think it will be a fun article to write, looking at it from a non IT perspective. ?

Until then, I’m going to go and listen in on my colleagues again and gather up some of that positive, contagious, energy as they resolve another issue that has been plaguing a client.?Their energy really is fantastic, (and their language and description of situations is hysterical)!?Until next week, stay warm and remember you can contact me at Miller Kannemeyer to assess your IT estate and see how we can help integrate Apple Macs into your environment smoothly and easily to allow you to enjoy everything they have to offer.?

I fundamentally disagree. The statement "often has very little to do with the hardware", is without merit. Having done many years of hardware support in the past, it is the very diverse and unexpected hardware issues that cloud easy diagnosis. Be they bent pins on connectors, dielectric effects of washers under screws, errors which self test do not understand, dirty fibers, poor cable connections, RF issues or bizarre power supply issues. Your definition needs modification.



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