My Sunday Broadcast - previewing events at Lagos Talks 91.3 FM, tomorrow, 08/02/2021.

We shall be returning again to the “trench” of knowledge tomorrow, Monday, February 8, 2021, at Lagos Talks 91.3 FM, for our usual critical review of topical issues, starting from 0930 to 1100 hours, with The Guru in command. And as always there are more than enough baffling and naughty issues that shall come under the hammer of discussion. Let us preview a few - using these few as our teasers. 

“Buhari nominates Olonisakin, Buratai, other former service chiefs as ambassadors”, remains the very hot sensational news cutting Nigerian’s hearts asunder. President Buhari is damn serious about this appointment and you start wondering why. 

In a letter signed and sent to the President of the Nigerian Senate; Senator Ahmad Ibrahim Lawal, Muhammadu Buhari has this to say: “In accordance with Section 171 (1), (2) (C) & sub-section (4) of 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended, l have the honour to forward for confirmation by the Senate, the under-listed five (5) names of nominees as Non-Career Ambassadors-Designates. 

The nominees are: General Abayomi G. Olonisakin(retd), Lt General Tukur Y. Buratai (rtd), Vice Admiral Ibok-Ete Ibas (rtd), Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar (rtd) and Air Vice Marshal Mohammed S. Usman (rtd)”. 

These are the immediate retired service chiefs of President Muhammadu Buhari; but in case you have forgotten, they were those service chiefs that were over-used, over-flogged and were terrifyingly exposed to international opprobrium, except in the eyes of Buhari and his managers alone. They eventually became War Generals that “defeated” their enemies “technically” only. 

When Buhari eventually removed them from office, the troops these Generals left behind were celebrating with gunshots for hours and the rhyme of those gunshots were sounding like “good riddance to bad rubbish”. 

Where is the political wisdom, environmental benefits, economic candor, ambassadorial exploits, military strategies and human relationship derivable profits that would compare President Buhari sending these endangered species of human being into foreign services? It could be for one out of three reasons that the President caved in for. We shall consider it tomorrow and l shall buttress the discussion with a story the late Senator David Omueyan Dafinone told me some years back on why President Olusegun Obasanjo appointed the late Bola Ige as minister of Mines and Power. 

Then listen to what the All Progressives Congress is shouting from the top of the mountain for all that care to hear. “No plan to field Jonathan in 2023, says APC”. Why will the APC that is not in the dock be defending itself? This defense itself is very suspicious. 

There is a proverb in Hausa language that may unlock the key of this APC’s shout. The proverb describes a blind man on his way, with full confidence on his stick - he has gotten his way through all these years with this (his) stick. Then suddenly, on this day, a man’s voice thundered out to the blind man, telling him not to worry about his route because “there is no pit on your path”. The proverb concludes that the blind man did not only stop movement, but made a 360 degree turnaround, asking “if there is no pit, why did the word come to your heart?” That’s the meaning or interpretation of the Hausa language that says “Akwai lauje a cikin nadi”. 

There is a thought - albeit a politically cynic one, in the minds of the APC managers, being constructed around the personality profile of former President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan. Don’t underestimate the Nigerian Politician - “they have the full capacity and potential of blending from Hell, moving through Purgatory and arriving Heaven with glorious manifestation”. 

Then this: Constitutionally, legally and technically speaking, as of today, the Nigerian State has no Inspector General of Police, because President Muhammadu Buhari’s “tenure extension” or “tenure elongation” for Mohammed Adamu; the former Inspector General of Police - who retired on Monday, February 1, 2021, remains one illegal exercise in futility. 

Whatever functions Mohammed Adamu is arrogating to himself since the date l quoted above is judicial nullity. I hope some lawyers are already on their way to the Bench to challenge this presidential malfeasance and rascality in absurdity. 

I tried my very best in reaching out to the Commissioner of Police in charge of Public Relation for the Nigeria Police Force; Compol Frank Mba, but he refused picking all my calls and did not care replying to my messages - though unlike him, but that is whom he has become these past few weeks. 

Nevertheless, we shall discuss the details of this absurdity tomorrow, by the grace of God. 

Again, soldiers; fully armed with equipment of war, purchased for them with Nigerian’s taxpayers money, returned back to some villages in Ogun State, to teach the aborigines some bitter lessons of life. They “returned” some herders that the villagers asked to move their herds from their communities because of the wanton destruction unleashed on their farmlands. 

In Ogun State, soldiers are now enforcers of human rights on behalf of Fulani herdsmen. 

While the soldiers are “enforcing the law” against these unprotected natives of Ogun State, the Nigeria Police Force, at its High Command in Abuja, have perfected something like cynic plan of inviting “these peasant farmers to Abuja to be investigated “for likely possession of arms and ammunition”. 

It is a Fulani herders world, you would say and you might be right. 

There are more to be discussed tomorrow when The Guru and Adu take command of the Nigerian Airwaves, at Command Control Point of Lagos Talks 91.3 FM at that Zero-Hour. 

The Historical Perspective, the Knowledge Dropbox and the newly introduced Periscope are getting better, to the glory of knowledge and enhancement of humanity. 

For now, l mean before tomorrow, visit my website: to grab some “new arrivals”. 

This is yours sincerely 

Godwin Etakibuebu (The Guru). 


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