My Summer of Neurodiversity
Bernard Goldbach
Digital Transformation Lecturer at Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest
I spent part of the summer of 2024 exploring neurodiversity. Part of my unexpected journey of learning happened after meeting Cara Darmody and another part of my journey led me into a final year project concerning autism that Hollie King is doing on the Clonmel Digital Campus.
Writing about these two young women told an algorithm that I should look at Floreo and its breakthrough device that the FDA has designated for service with neurodiverse learners of any age and ability.
Because I know the LinkedIn algorithm is brilliant at connecting like-minded advocates, I'm sharing a snippet of the conversation I heard with Cara Darmody, Ireland's leading Assessment of Needs Advocate, when she talked to Dylan from Ireland's Youth Media Team. I expect to work with this important initiative in a funded project with the Digital Arts Lab of the Technological University of the Shannon