I hate recruiting
Angela Brooks
Mentor for Women 40+ Ready to Build a Sustainable Online Business | Retired Nurse Who Leveraged LinkedIn to Create Freedom & Income | Simple Strategies for Ambitious Women
Despite what many assume, I didn't wake up one day as a master recruiter. After 11+ years in the business, I still don't look at myself as a high-profile recruiter.
Honestly, I used to hate recruiting. I found it scary, stressful, and uncomfortable. I would rather clean the cat litter box than recruit.
(I was the queen of sweaty palms and butchered pitches, you know, the kind where you facepalm when the conversation is over
But I realized that if I was going to achieve my dreams, I had to get good at it. In other words, there's no way around recruiting.
After all, it's the only skill that guarantees your success (or failure) in this business.
Conversations with other people are the ONLY way to get your business moving. I always talk about this, and people think I am kidding.
Suppose there is such thing as a secret in this business. Conversations are it. <I talk about here it>
So I tried everything under the sun to figure out what worked. I have spent tons of money testing, trying, failing, and winning.
People never see the behind the scene. They see the highlight reels that make it all look easy.
(I still have scars from years of rejection, lots of cussing, and late-night re-dos) This has not been easy for me.
The truth is most of what I tried failed. I just kept trying. I kept showing up. Eventually, I cracked the code that worked for me. I hired coaches (good ones and bad ones), and I attended events. (good and bad)
Imagine if you could skip the learning curve and install a system I am using in my business right now that helped me rank twice in one day - yes, that is for real.
I am giving my business team ALL the tools I use that work for me. I am helping them tweak what they are doing to improve their results.
You will not be in this alone - but you will still have to show up and do the work. It is not easy, but neither is spinning your wheels.
Most people fear losing friends; recruiting gives you butterflies in your stomach. No one wants to be the "HEY GIRL" on Facebook.
People are afraid to be themselves.
(if there was a secret #2 this one would be it)
If you're struggling with recruiting, don't worry. You're not alone. Even people you see speaking on stages still work with this one action that moves all of our business.
It's a roller coaster of emotions for everybody, It takes a toll on your confidence, and it's some version of uncomfortable, no matter your rank or level.
You'll laugh, but honestly, recruiting can be fun. Once you have the confidence, courage, and skill to recruit like a pro, you'll have a blast locking arms with people you love and building your empires.
You need a system, and most people fly by the seat of their pants. They have no clue what to do with someone once they say yes, they want to be a customer or a business partner.
People are more open to network marketing now than ever before.
They need to make money online.
And they need someone to show them how to do it.
In many ways, they're just waiting to be recruited.
Here are three things you need to do right now today
Connect with me on Linkedin and send me a message that you read this post.
You are ready to start a side income, even part-time.
Please fill this out so I can learn more about you <Work with Me>
See how easy it is to just become a customer.
I can show you the simple business I use, and you can upgrade later if that is what you want to do.
You don't even have to speak to me to get the information TEXT (270) 514-0951 'save'
Let's get straight to the point without beating around the bush so you can see how this works.
A system is in place for you to use, and a team is here to help you grow.
You get to choose. It is always about you and your goals.
A referral customer or more serious about building a business.
Click on my name: Angela Brooks and FOLLOW & Ring the Bell
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