My Story.....
Sally Brady
Business Planning Specialist @Elevey Ltd | Helping Businesses Save Hundreds of Thousands
I was always a kid that followed others...
I lacked the confidence to stand out in class or amongst my friends…
I was very sporty, did well but just did not push myself and stand out…
I was signed up with my friend to a coach to run for East Yorkshire, sprints and hurdles but she was always better and no matter how hard I tried I didn’t have the confidence to push myself. I craved to be noticed and be the kid everyone admired, a leader not a follower in the shadows…
My lack of confidence meant I also started a journey that kept me in the shadows…
Admiring the wrong type of people…
I had mediocre results in my GCSE’s as I felt my sister was always better than me so why try as she shone for both of us I didn’t have the confidence to stand up and be counted…
I married at 19 desperate to be noticed and be different despite the disapproval of my family, the marriage was destructive and toxic, I became more withdrawn and hated my life. That marriage ended within 2 years and I ran away from life, I travelled for a year around Asia and Australia looking to rebuild my confidence and try to get my life back on track with no idea how to actually achieve that…
I came back after travelling for a year and started my life again…
I started to progress in my career but every time I felt I was getting somewhere I seemed to be pulled back again which would just kick my confidence again…
I moved to London with my job and was having fun but always had the nagging doubt and low confidence that would hold me back…
I met my second husband who I admired as he was so full of confidence and was flying in his career, he seemed to be everything I wanted to be and I felt full of hope and admiration!!
We married and I initially had a good life wanting for nothing life seemed great…
But…he had an ambition in life I just did not share he didn’t want children he wanted to own a Pub/Bar and be the master so to speak, again I became the follower…
I hated everyday, I hated the fact I was stuck, I had no choice I was in a rut I felt I could not get out of….
I met someone again it was a wrong relationship it was someone who shone confidence and I craved the confidence, we had a daughter but it was not a relationship built on love and care, it was another bad choice…
I was working so hard but the business competition meant the pub was starting to fail I couldn’t keep up with the competition, the business finally failed and I was on the floor, no security no confidence feeling like I’d failed everyone and myself….
My partner made the comment to me “You won’t be able to go back to where you where in your career you’ve been out of that game too long, you won’t do much” those words knocked the last remaining bit of confidence from me…
I decided to work hard and just try and do the best I could, do what I knew and earn what I could…
The few years that followed I worked hard, I was continually trying to prove myself and pushing myself and I did well. I continually questioned myself, I lacked so much confidence, outwardly I was ok but inside I was so scared I felt trapped and stuck in a rut of doing what was expected of me, providing for my daughter, craving my family’s approval.
I worked myself to the point that I burnt out completely my breakdown hit me hard…
My burnout meant that I had to take a step back and look at my life…
I had therapy for a few months to address all the issues of the past and look at the barriers that had been holding me back for so long. I had EMDR, CBT everything to help me try to start building some confidence back and give me the confidence to help me change how I saw myself…
I went back to work, feeling stronger and believing that it was what I wanted to do…
I was good at my job, wasn’t I…
I was fulfilled wasn’t I…
Was I fulfilled or did I just think that as that’s what you are expected to feel and that’s what other people say. The truth was I was still stuck in my rut, still lacking confidence. I had done all the therapy and could not go any further with that…
I needed something more something to help me have the confidence to look to the future and change how I felt now, change that rut I was stuck in...
I started to look at Coaching I needed help to change me and help me take that leap of faith be confident, change and start a new chapter in my life, being happy and fulfilled not saying those words but living whose words…
I began with a Confidence Coach who helped me question who I was, where I was and what I really wanted from life!!!
I was helped to look after me, look after my wellbeing, it helped me see I was important. I gradually started to explore me, what I enjoyed in life, why I was doing the job I was doing, was it out of choice or circumstance…
I started to feel confident, I started to see I wasn’t happy, I wanted to change, I wanted to wake up every day and feel good and look forward to the day ahead, doing what I enjoyed most, what did I enjoy most…
I actually enjoyed helping people, the reward of helping other people was what actually made me happy!!
I had been on such a journey in my life lacking in confidence and doing a job and living a life that I felt was expected of me, I wanted to share that and show people that actually you don’t need to be stuck, you can change!!
So, my research and next chapter began. I signed with a business coach, started to explore myself and how I could help other people in the same situation I had been in, build their confidence and help them with the next chapter.
Now I wake up and look forward to my day…
I am a Confidence Coach doing what I enjoy the most helping people who feel stuck in a rut, find the confidence to change their situation, so they can start a new chapter...
I love helping people grow into themselves, confident with who they are and living their life fully…
I took the leap to get out of my rut and changed my life and now I love every day, I wake up looking forward to what the day may bring!!
Monday mornings no longer have a heavy feel they are the start of a new week full of fun and freedom, I have the freedom and confidence to choose how I want the day to start and end, it is my choice…
I have solid relationships with the people I love and work with, I now enjoy peoples company, I have a voice, a confident voice, I can say how I feel and I feel confident with who I am…
My business allows me to help people start and end their day full of confidence too and feel fulfilled, to be the best they can possibly be, have the courage and confidence start that new chapter and build each day from a position of strength, courage and most of all to be successful….
If my story resonates with you or anyone you know, as part of my business launch today I am offering a complimentary discovery session, so we can start to build your next chapter and build your confidence too…so just click on the link below