MY STORY: “From Career Cage to Free Range Life”
Emma ‘M’ Shaw??
Chief Rebel: A bad influence, helping you break free from business norms & unnecessary rules so that you (and your people) can be everything you’re truly capable of. #statusquoswerver
I spent many years stuck in that icky, sticky, corrosive substance I call CORPORATE SLUDGE. It stifled, squashed and toxified me till I didn’t know who I was anymore. The misery was real. And all around me, good people were doing bad things, while I tried desperately to stick to my values and moral compass. And it made me physically ill.
Somehow, I managed to claw my way through it, and when redundancy came my way, I knew I had to get out of the Career Cage and be free. But I had NO CLUE what I was doing. I bumbled around?for years as a freelancer with almost no guidance and even less idea. Feast and famine was my life (and mostly the latter). It was so painful and frustrating. But even that was better than the idea of willingly climbing back into the Career Cage and suffering another stint of bullying, unethical behaviour, towing the line, politics… blurghh!
It took me a long time to figure out what I was MEANT TO BE DOING. It took a lot of inner work and rewiring, as well as the practical, strategy stuff. And now I’ve found my place in the world I’m ridiculously happy and fulfilled. I get excited every single time someone asks me what I do for a living. I’m living my dream. Cliché but so true. It makes me giddy!
I just wish I’d had someone to guide me to this much sooner. Never had it entered my head that I could actually have a business doing something that brought me immense joy. Something that felt like play. That actually made a difference in the world!
So I’m here to tell you, right now, that you CAN have all that. You can carve out a free range life, on your terms, working with people that you connect to deeply, and that REALLY love what you do for them.
You can RECODE your life and make everything you want a REALITY. You just have to decide. And make that first baby step… Just reach out and have an easy conversation. That’s all that’s required of you right now. Easy… 07786 156256