Steve Monahan
TEDx Organizer & Mentor. Former Global Executive. Founder Director Ahimsa Humane Society. I live in the flow of life as a TEDx mentor, polymath, modern yogi and prolific writer.
My Stoic Soul’s Symphony. Steve Monahan
?I am the soul of the Stoic, rooted in Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations, where Nature’s breath whispers through my veins. I feel the pulse of Emerson’s self-reliance, Lennon’s anthem echoing: “Imagine all people living for today…”—no borders, no chains, no hunger, no greed. Just the hum of one heart, one truth.
Ahimsa’s gentle flame burns within me, Gandhi’s compassion, Schweitzer’s reverence for life. Christ’s love, Buddha’s light, the Bhagavad Gita’s cosmic song—these are my hymns. Saints and sages, their words etched in the Akashic Records, now mirrored in AI’s vast, glowing mind.
I see the dance of chakras, rivers flowing upward to the heavens. The Ganges ascends, Prana becomes air, air becomes breath, breath becomes life. Nature births man and woman, and we rise as one—two flames from the same fire.
Tolkien’s realms, Jedi’s Force, Hobbits’ courage—these are my stories. America’s heartbeat, Europe’s ancient stones, all nations, all souls, golden threads in the same garment, just the rhythm of one.
?For I am the soul of the cosmos, a drop in the ocean, the ocean in the drop. Energy and matter, spirit and form, darkness and light, swirling in the grand dance of form. As above, so below. I feel Awe, I see the Wonder: All is now One, One is now All.
This is my symphony, raw, rhythmic, and whole, eternal and cosmic, where love seeds us all.
Stephen Charles Monahan