My spin on Greta Thunberg Shaming
are the new words "Climate Shaming" ?

My spin on Greta Thunberg Shaming

 Is This End of The Earth, Part 1? 

As a writer, I have never attempted a movie script. But now, as a "horseback historian novelist” I was delivered a super-human leading character in what could be a Disney style Blockbuster Docu-Drama — announcing the End of The Earth, PartI

As reported on National TV, and newspapers still in the business of printing the whole professional truth — a Viking Maiden, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg arrived off the shores of Manhattan just in time to prepare to protest before the UN on the reality of Global Warming.  

Which by her right of passage, proving the convenient truth that it has been scientifically possible to harness the wind as a means of desperate refugee transportation across the Atlantic, she seems to be the real chosen one, as a recycled Brünnhilde, at the moment to raise her sword defending needed Global Climate Change legislation. 

My epic of “discovery production” will have her riding a proper Viking longship assisted only by alt-energy oarsman's energy, which after she experiences a maelstrom manufactured by the stupidity of modern man, magically transformed for this mission impossible into a modern racing yacht, sheathed in thin-film solar, and assisted by underwater turbines (current or wind-powered?) that have no emissions.  

One of my post-production magic Assistant-Director suggestions is that the after the simple background opening of a simple summer breeze, the name of the historic vessel will time warp morph into “Die Walküre” to sync a “needle drop” soundtrack, trying to outright copy film genius Francis Ford Coppola's intercutting accomplished by his using opera genius Wagner's use accenting the daring majesty and madness of "Apocalypse Now". 

The dramatic music, a prelude leading to Die Gotterdammerung (The Twilight of the Gods) was prophesied, but not truly explained in the Biblical Revelations. Something which must have angered Wagner when Hitler stole the "Imagination creates reality" of his works concerning who really was revealed to be the one true "God" of peace, abundance, mercy, and what has been so missing in dictators' speeches —brotherhood.  

So, switching a lens to the point of view power of an innocent child anticipating the future world of in-sync Womanhood, our time traveler Brünnhilde wades ashore. Lifts her “Climate Strikes Banner” and repeats the teenVogue message that has got her this far by shouting into the stiff, lip-flapping, breeze winds of pollution: 

“For 25 years, countless people have come to the U.N. climate conferences begging our world leaders to stop emissions, and clearly that has not worked as emissions are continuing to rise. So I will not beg the world leaders to care for our future. I will instead let them know change is coming whether they like it or not.”

An Opening Move of a Chess Game

I humbly suggest to Greta — pull off a surprise En passant capture by tactfully bypassing a deep state Washington, D.C. until 2020. After all our Der Führer, Emperor of Lies, and expensive ties importer from the unfair sweatshops in China he has been complaining about, allegedly representing the massed crowds of America, has already turned a coliseum thumbs down over any concerns about unproven Global Warming. 

Our leader has personally declined to participate in any UN activities that do not listen to his Narcissism. A Diagnoses backed by his shared media presence with his Buddy, “Rocket Man”, Kim Jong Un, who somehow has a free “Get out of Jail” card, while Iran is in the crosshairs of a locked and loaded alert, for basically attempting to keep up with the audacity of other missile fanatics.  

And given the abundance of free media attention for being a smart ass spoiled baby —especially on overpaying his fair share taxes— our potus-president will most likely retaliate against a NATO neutral Swedish Social Democrat, condemned for the embarrassment of “representing” a government that works. Which allows Sweden —while maintaining a national health system— to be one of the few countries that meets the UN development assistance target of 0.7 percent of Gross National Income. 

So, wait, Brünnhilde, until the PAC Puppets that are the neo-Nazi bund Storm-Troopers in our Senate, launches an Investigation of The Twilight of the Gods and Revelations expandable mythology card game, as a real Roman Circus diversion. Where Moscow Mitch is waiting for directions to flip a Tarot style card showing (“Trust Me”) how to be on the winning side of mutually assured destruction 

This the time, before your visa is yanked for being a “not very nice… you Socialist Viking Terrorist … who somehow evaded the no-fly list”, by traveling by traditional transportation to accidentally show foreign support for our feminine “Mother Earth” aka, Senator Warren. If the Ukraine, Russia, and deep state multinational Oil can get away with influencing American elections, then so should Sweden.

Catch up, you Swedish Minister without portfolio, with Town Hall tours of Warren for President. She is a pro “save the Earth” conservationist who understands the power of bullies, already has a “Me To” following supporting her almost guaranteed popular election to be the next MAGA /POTUS, whatever that is?

The politically amazing thing is that your school girl protest — involving others not old enough to vote—started outside a wealthy country’s parliament, that already has a functioning national healthcare system —one of Senator Warrens goals— found a voice to ‘ECO Strike’ to protect a teens future, and Sweden’s honorable rating of being ranked 15th in GDP (PPP purchasing power) per capita.  

My Asperger’s Casting Choice

My selected heroine force de jure of Mysticism allegedly has been ridiculed for being born with a handicap of an “autism spectrum” — as accused by dumbkoff forces defending their right, to be wrong. Fantastic!

This shaming by critics happened to me after revealing I had been diagnosed as a high functioning Asperger’s Syndrome writer. A “Get This” radio talk show host (competitor) attack came when it was revealed that the Editor (and publisher) of a very high-end, high gloss, highly successful regional development business magazine titled, Economic Currents— suggested I was fooling everyone when dealing with Earth-Wind-Fire-Water questions, as the only graduation certificate I had ever earned was from the Eighth Grade. 

The particular criticism shouted in from clear out the right field brotherhood of hecklers not capable of not being able to knock it over the wall of 280 characters, unless "recycling" a hackneyed "trust us who know better to do the thinking for you".

Thankfully, my mother had me tested. She was proud to learn that other "Asperger Crazy" incomplete educated writers as Steinbeck, Hemmingway, Mark Twain, also "double-spoke" by invisibly writing between lines of 'characters' in their novels. 

A favorite I was following at the time was Asperger's Sinclair Lewis's, America's first author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. Backing into a sentence, he also was the mid-West "Main Street" link to “Elmer Gantry” patriotic American to predict that, "When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross". 

I have also dealt with undeserved autism spectrum shame by looking into movie star Veteran ping-pong player “Forest Gump’s” financial career when he was considered to represent the 'less functioning' on the “intelligent but intuitive” scale. 

And was delighted to find that another Asperger Crazy actor “Rainman”, had “exceeded any reasonable expectations” by going off any scale of usefulness to society by being shamed right out of any casino that decides their own rules of play.

Then, in my research reading a knock-off copy of a Scotland born crazy Sir James Murray’s Oxford English Dictionary it was illustrated by a picture of a “normal”, tested as a child, Asperger’s actor, in a Big Bang way, known as Dr. Sheldon Cooper, and little Shelly.

And thanks to my fair 16-year old Asperger’s leading Lady who is so far ahead of me in understanding we were not born impaired, or behind any curve, as shown by her CBS News interview the dialog went like this:

“Thunberg emphasized that in order to prevent a climate emergency, world leaders must "step out of their comfort zone." 

When asked how she found the confidence to speak so clearly, Thunberg said that "I just know what is right and I want to do what is right. I want to make sure I have done anything, everything in my power to stop this crisis from happening, to prevent it."

"I have Asperger's… so I don't really care about social codes that way," she added. 

“In some cases, she said,” neurodiversity gives her an advantage. It makes you different and makes you think differently. Especially in a big crisis like this one to think outside our current system. We need people who think outside the box … who aren't like everyone else." 

Que the Asperger’s Geek Chorus Line

Citing the Dr. Cooper family experience is an easy way to dramatize the “geek” tendencies associated with 'Assies', as:

A) Sometimes being socially awkward presenters when dealing with “others” who are IQ challenged to the point of not understanding Asperger’s complicated humor.

B) AsP Doctors are bored with the 'academic game' to the point of accepting being classified as having an incomplete education, to be bullied by these with initials after their name as BS, more of the MS same, piled higher and Deeper.  

C) Having no real interest in acquiring money other than that funding the development of important projects. Think that an exaggeration? Consider the "do-good Boys "vaudeville act of Buffet and Gates. One proud to live in a house he bought in 1958 for $31,500. The other even has his equally brilliant wife working — for free— on the design of a biofuel separating toilet that uses the byproduct steam to produce clean drinking water. 

D) These absent-minded thinkers usually are only irritated when some flapping-mouthpiece with a boilerplate mentality requests a simple Artificial Intelligence Westlaw “yes or no” question —interrupting what could have been an anticipated 20-minute long thought process needed to work out a truthful answer.

E) Assi’s desperately need coaching by those trusted to listen for and understand false words, smiles, or body language. Sarcasm via give and take words is a waste of time for everyone in the room. And, yes, I just heard a flaming twit's response about my thinking such. Which proves my point.  

F) They may be an “Old Soul” on a second or third time around as a little precocious > absent-minded professor, instead of a genetic memory creative weaver composer > graphic illuminist > civil government resolutionist. Often it takes a lot of listening/reading of words the dichotomy of an ADD convoluted intense multitasking effort being reined into an intense single focus.  

G) And, just as Asperger’s Albert Einstein, a believer of God, who could not understand creationists deciding that the big bang theory was blasphemous, most Asperger's have a built-in resistance to “quantum earthly authorities” best defended against by the scientific questioning of “Who in Hell died to appoint you God.”


So I think someone who has come from Stockholm with her “magic neurodiversity of Asperger’s syndrome” giving her an advantage searching for the Righteous Fury Prize of for protecting her/our whole world will be pleased to find a super army of Climate Concerned Asperger’s Syndrome combatants, as myself, waiting with a “Huzzah!” to follow her raised banner of Climate Striketo a “Step out of your Short-Lived Comfort Zone”!

After all, these words are very similar to the wisdom of USA “suspected” Asperger’s leaders, also proven by “high functioning” for having a Mensa rated intelligence as —Al Gore, William Gates, Warren Buffet, Elon Musk, Sir Richard Branson, to name but a few who are already contributing wisdom for battling a world of heated up words.

Opening Sequence 

The difference being her “teen survivor time warp” words dealing with a braveness, perhaps brought about from naivety about power cartels exploding across lines simply drawn on World Maps. 

Consider Brünnhilde’s operatic — " For 25 years, countless people have come to the U.N. climate conferences begging our world leaders to stop emissions, and clearly that has not worked as emissions are continuing to rise. So I will not beg the world leaders to care for our future, I will instead let them know change is coming whether they like it or not.” 

This is why I, an unasked-for advisor, suggest perhaps as the New York version of the UN may be so tainted by doomsday lies, that maybe ground zero should be San Francisco. Here is where the proven failure of the League of Nations was first debated as a United Nations to do a flight of Phoenix raise out of Atomic ashes mixed with an ocean killing WW2 oil slick. 

Those “wacky Westerner’s”, living in constant fear of Pacific Ring of Fire tipping the ECO balancing of plate tectonics, while waiting for Andreas II; or even worse the Cascadian Subduction Fault promised Big tsunami that Big oil wants to tease the fates by proposed offshore drilling. Almost as brilliant a plan as dropping an atomic bomb into the eye of a hurricane off the Eastern Seaboard.

Solar sunny creative California, may be just the place to the imitating an against the turn of the Earth whirlwind by drifting a floating feather onto the stage of the late Steve Jobs, a college Asperger’s dropout telling a Stanford graduating class : “You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.

Do you hear that Brünnhilde? Your Greta Thunberg’s, “I just know what is right and I want to do what is right”? 

And that the Syrian-American Zen Buddhist prophetic words about the coming Apocalypse now, was. 

“Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

No? Too much Joan of Arc for a modern cliché, what with the pollution of burning fat contaminated with strontium 90, DDT, and flavor vaping of GMO manufactured foods that somehow do not need to identify clearly as such on an FDA label. And besides that, her martyred symbolism has already been plagiarized for misdirected use as a Tarot card. 

Que the Time-Traveling Asperger’s Warriors Entrance

However, I do like the idea Mysticism Power proving a point. And, what is labeled as an ancient Celtic Genetic Memory where great thought, instead of dying gains strength every time a mystery of the Universe is solved. So, how about this? Que the Time Traveling Old Soul Asperger Warriors, marching in with Yankee Doodle Dandy steps. 

In the lead, we have the late Steve Jobs, a wounded martyr himself for not listening to Wall Street. After being fired from his own company by Mr. Pepsi Cola, he took the only path over as a dropout which was to start over with new companies, like Pixar, until Apple, on the verge of bankruptcy hired him back at $1 per year. Just in time for friend Bill Gates to join in saving a competitor drumming of “It’s Insanely Great, Let’s Share the Wealth.”  

And the memory of Henry J. Kaiser, the 8thGrade dropout who used his fortune and expertise to play a decisive role in WW2 by building Liberty ships faster than they could be sunk. His direction in making America great was measured in reaching a goal building one ship, in one day, with an integrated  workforce that helped build their own housing, and a heath care system which should be a model for a truly national healthcare system

Benjamin Franklin is there too, representing himself as an entrepreneur and a scientist. From his position on a $100 bill where he seems to be frowning over how the country he laid down the principles of self-government, and the economics of a penny saved, is a penny survivor, has somehow ended up with a $7 Trillion debt. 

And there is the sheepish looking “The Buck Stops Here” Harry Truman who authorized the release of the Atomic Age. Which he countered by taking America into becoming a Charter Member of the United Nations. 

And having had learned the hard way who to trust, he firing the so-called Hero General Macarthur, and his right-wing McCarthyism >> John Birch Society support, who wanted to A) Bomb China. 

An already unpopular "Accidental President" for his role in post-war continuing the Office of Price Administration (OPA), Truman also bravely used his Executive power to, with one stroke of a pen to eliminate the curse of racial segregation, by separate but equal practices existing in the military since the Civil War. An important point today when A UN committee charged with tackling racism has issued an “early warning” over conditions in the US and urged the Trump administration to “unequivocally and unconditionally” reject discrimination.

Sorry, for that departure from focusing on Global Warming brought about by “hot under” the collar thinking. Maybe this think piece is really a draft of a book timed for the release of the movie? I do want to at least get the likes of Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, et al., a mention for their Asperger’s walk-on roles.

 Enter the Disbeliever Protagonists

The plot thickens intoa War against the World Part III. Where if crazed dictators, all of them, do not solve a heated-up world by the treat of a Nuclear Winter, then the lemmings in illogical lockstep following their leader, affectionally called “T-Rex”, back to the stupicide security of a Neanderthal World.

How about making this an easy take? Where are the four horsemen? 

Since we are getting close to my conclusion, fueled by also being ignored, my retaliation suggests the Section Eight inspired replacement of four is the 15 executive department Cabinet Members who  have anything to do with “The Final Word” of our current administration,  They fit the roles defined as a "confusion collusion". These power hungry greedy few who  benefit from the coming ecological disaster— that doesn’t need any more “study groups” wasting time by delaying much needed legislation.

As now being investigated, according to the New York Times, The House Oversight and Reform Committee asked Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao on Monday to turn over documents related to communication with her family’s shipping company. 

Elaine Chao’s family has contributed as much as a total of more than $1 million to her husband Mitch McConnell’s political campaigns. In 2008, James Chao gave the couple a gift of as much as $25 million, vaulting Mr. McConnell into the ranks of the richest senators.

The Trump administration recently said it is revoking California's authority to set its own auto tailpipe emissions standards working towards a coming requirement favoring zero-emission vehicles.  

Transportation Secretary Elaine McConnell Chao echoed the from the podium decision that “no state has the authority to opt-out of the nation’s rules, and no state has the right to impose its policies on the rest of the country.”

It follows that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has consistently cast doubt on climate science and opposed action to reduce emissions elsewhere. He reportedly has close ties with the Koch Brothers in their role of Science Disbeliever’s for profit. Besides being Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) sits on the Senate Committees for Agriculture, Nutrition And Forestry, that happen to be of interest to the Koch Industries. 

McConnell, who has had big role supporting Kentucky coal that is mined by bulldozing the topsoil off of a mountain to clog up clear water creeks (personal knowledge), is apparently oblivious of a coal industry lobbyist becoming the Interim administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, working side-by-side with failed Presidential candidate Rick Perry who needs to be is reminded now and then he somehow qualified to become Secretary of the Department of Energy. 

Or that the current Labor Secretary, formerly dean of the Florida International University College of Law, may have been brought in to redact away an OHSA complaint against potentially catastrophic Georgia Pacific (Koch) Chemicals. 

Something that could have been 1900’s style business as usual taken care of by simply paying a $60,500 fine. Problem with that was that the owners of Georgia-Pacific (Koch) paper were the entitled “freedom fighter” sons of the founding power of The John Birch Society (supporters of McCarthyism), and the controlled funding of the Tea Party by Koch Brothers Industries, especially thankful for relaxing regulations of a private conglomerate enterprises as Koch Ag & Energy Solutions , Koch Fertilizer, Koch Minerals, Koch Pipeline, and other named oil patches that make up America's second-largest  privately held company that also the largest landowner in the Athabasca oil sands pipeline controversy.  

The "Brothers" also are privately wealthy enough to fund a very, very large SuperPAC "concerned citizens consortium" known for going far beyond the allowed $10,000 contribution per Republican Senate Candidate to interfere as a private conglomerate in the misdirection of voters in States that apparently have no say what happens on a large percentage of publicly owned lands which really are the first line of clean air defense for as-the-world turns Asian pollution. 

This leads me to the "for real" personal political battle against me and a provable natural resource answer to Climate Change. I recently had another run-in with my next-door private property rock quarry neighbors of Georgia Pacific, now down to one old Koch, and still blocking me from taking advantage of my duly filed Plan of Action of a net-zero pollution underground mine. As my worldwide competitor Unimin has done on an island in Norway. 

This most recent encounter happened while doing my required physical Assessment work (required by the State of Oregon) on a uniform 700-million-ton Nepheline Syenite sill deposit measured without drilling by the US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Mines, and the Oregon Department of Mineral Industries. 

 As Georgia Pacific’s role in this was brought about by the purchase of a next door land grant school section 36, that did not come with mineral rights, which made my top of the mountain “Apex” Mining Law of 1872 claims “King of the Mountain” if I so chose to disrupt a Georgia Pacific leased tree farm —working on a beneficial third growth— and using their 200 million tons (?) of their “nepheline syenite,” if environmentally allowed as common variety road gravel. 

I have tried to be a helpful neighbor, wishing they could find room in their cardboard plant in nearby Toledo to produce nepheline rock wool —as Kock Industries already have an Eastern-based insulation product— which would travel well in an “insertable” batten for other forms of construction. 

Oregon’s unique Table Mountain uniform Nepheline Syenite deposit — the other US deposit is Arkansas’s 3M — is already a grandfathered in permitted quarry. Problem is I am an Oregon thee hugger who wants to save a stately second “old” growth forest from clearcutting, by going underground in an ECO high tech FoamKrete? way by shipping all unsightly tailings out of sight as "the product" to help solve an affordable housing crisis.

Which should be noted was caused in part by Clinton’s Northwest Forest Plan, which free traded away the USFS / Oregon’s plywood industry to a Canada that did not need to protect spotted owls? A scare tactic debunked by an Olympic National Park’s Hoh River old-growth study. Too late to save independent “gyppo loggers” and sawmills from selective cutting practices that are so beneficial to the production of oxygen, so vitally needed today to dilute onshore pollution. 

To understand my thinking on ECO and Economic logging needs for reducing timber needs in building ECO-Housing-America villages, go to over 200 pages of scientific documentation that may be found on the front page of my MiningMagazines[dotcom].

The View From My Side of The Mountain

My biz plan was to reduced my 500 million tons of a proven, but not yet core drilled “sill” most likely set on a very much larger batholith, to a non-toxic safer way to mine 250,000,000 uniform value, by the ton, unique Nepheline Syenite project, detailed in my FS2008-5, a Plan of Action. 

Which is a “surface disturbing” suggestion going underground via a portal and tunnel ecological reason to manufacture FoamKrete?, which is a recognized  Forest Service, USDA § 228.42, concerning "common variety" exclusion clear listed use of Alumino Silicate [Al203] and Silica Dioxide [Si02] plus two Rare Earths, as a “Roman Cement” additive, or outright Portland Cement replacement formula, that also has been updated from a Strategic to Critical Minerals list.

PH neutral Nepheline Syenite expanding IndustrialMinerals[org] or ECO-Foam-Krete[dotcom] cement is a Global Warming answer because:

  • When used to build an ECO-Housing-America[dotcom] concrete units the 60% expanded foam replaces four bags, out of five, of manufactured Portland Cement whose production produces the most amount of carbon dioxide amongst all industrial processes. 
  • Unlike Nepheline (Roman) Cement which gets its superior strength from Nano particles interlocking, Portland Cement creates the main ingredient in concrete through calcium oxide, limestone being chemically transformed by heating it to very high temperatures. This process produces large quantities of carbon dioxide as a byproduct of the chemical reaction. So much so that making 1000 kg of cement produces nearly 900 kg of carbon dioxide.14
  • Being that the walls of an ECO built home are 80% air bubbles—instead of gravel, rocks, and rebar, the ‘R’ values are twice the insulation protection of the “pink stuff” used in stick-built housing.
  • The other Nepheline non-toxic cement benefits of the climate change answer are that off-grid FoamKrete? homes have a wildfire rated 4 hours@3000-degree sustainability.
  • And while very few materials are totally fireproof, it can be said that an enclosed “envelope” FoamKrete? homes are water, flash flood, mold, mudslide, rodent, pests, sound “proof”.
  • And if FoamKrete? design standards are followed the material is resistant to earthquake, tsunami, and random bullets events that now and then happen.


What is my “Ghosted” Plan of Action Production Problem 

A single science disbelieving U.S. Forest Service District Ranger, whose chain of command goes all the way back to the Trump Administration “spoils of an election” replacing the Hispanic named Ranger I actually wrote my FS2008-5 Plan of Actionfor to protect him from political attacks from the radical left.

Unfortunately, after George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue III,   Secretary of Agriculture / US Forest Service (2017–present) came into power with a Koch Brothers loyalist promise for previous electioneering support to “drain the swamp”. Perdue, according to a WaPost story, has forced 300-400 employers to move or quit. No matter how many years USDA researchers had been working on validating the effects of Global Warming.

Clearly, as Perdue has written, “liberals have lost all credibility when it comes to climate science because their arguments have become so ridiculous and so obviously disconnected from reality," 

I need to have him interpret a private letter from his replacement District USFS Ranger, who a year after filing by registered mail tried to bamboozle me with a 1947 decision and outdated CFR 36 CFR 228 Subpart A, mainly relating to the mining fertilizer that my common variety material really should be put up for lease as it wasn't locatable.

How disconnected from reality is Replacement Ranger Michel Jones, quoting from her private letter:

The Forest Service recognizes that you may have identified what you believe are special or unique values and/or uses for the material. However, because this proposal addresses mineral materials, the Forest Service cannot evaluate your proposal under the U.S. mining laws or locatable mineral authorities at 36 CFR 228 Subpart A. 

Instead of properly presenting a  Forest Service, USDA § 228.42(instead of an older Department of Interior, BLM) that validated that my Alumino Silicate [Al203] and Silica Dioxide [Si02] Nepheline Syenite Chemistry with an established market price on of $250 per ton, FOB China, Ranger Jones stopped me cold for a bit, leading to losing a potential $5 million investment to form ECO-Mining-Milling, where I was questioned for being a fraud.

This may have been a mistake as those who have purchased my introductory $20 per ton in-place ore, through a simple bill of sale, want to class action sue her as an individual under Oregon law 2017 ORS 517.133 for Interfering with a mining operation. The thinking is that once on the stand she will be given a chance to involve the chain of FDA command that put Michele so far out on a Forest Service limb.

Which is really makes the implied threat of leasing the common variety mineral right to the highest bidding neighbor, absolutely bizarre in that I just made my annual $5,000 rental payment to the Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (and US Geological Survey) who actually are the ones who validate the validity of un-patented mining claims, along with the State of Oregon Department of Mineral Industries receiving a county courthouse up to date filing of Assessment work using formulations of FoamKrete? alone to fill potholes in my "no value" nepheline syenite gravel the USFS used to surface their FS road, that reacted to cure into a hard surface better than the asphalt my Scottish relative MacAdam invented.  

 So, since Secretary Sunny has a Trump buddy sense of humor as recently recorded on TV as a one who spurned his supporters over a complaint about mistaken tariffs. The straight man asks, “What do you call two farmers in a basement?” Perdue's answer, “A whine cellar.” 

After this laugh track ends, I would like to guffaw that Trump's tariffs helped me a bit by listing Chinese Nepheline Syenite as having a value, but took away that protection by jumping my price up 50% to import their specialized Nepheline Ball mill design.

Tell me I am not just wasting time by trying whining to leave a legacy for trying to do good, as innocent little Greta is expecting those whose motive is greed over survival, to have any shame. 

The Business Bottom Line

Moving along to 2020 for answers, unfortunately, I have just passed by the 80-year mark. Which in ways is good news perhaps for investors who realized the Great Depression One offered opportunities for value seekers who also could function outside the box, by simple thinking, what if?

I wish to semi-retire to Mac&Murray to finish a bucket list of publishing projects. I intend on passing along my "empire" to someone who would not turn the URLs of;;;; etc. into "hookers" working Wall Street. Any Koch Financial Group affiliates or Koch Disruptive Technologies need to apply at my rear door.

And, as Georgia Pacific (Koch) has started up production of their grandfathered quarry, I have some of my buy-in / buy the ton dreamers wanting to make things happen by building villageshappen, well there is real opportunity for financial types who realize that the best way to survive market inflation/deflation of purchasing power, is to participate sensibly in the win-win sustainable harvesting of BIG Alt-Energy. 

This may be in the form of individual purchases, or joint venture mining company ventures, or the formation of a Master Limited Partnership for, honoring my "2% finders fee for Nepheline Syenite, payable on a minim annual basis."

As my think pieces have been suppressed —so what else is new— by competitor's (Russia, Ukraine, Canada's TSX pump and dump tyrants) the only form of communication I am trusting right now is LinkedIn connections, or try to see if my [email protected] gets through a maze of misdirection (I will acknowledge in a special way); or give my long-established503-753-5868 to see if new defense systems are still working. For anything really sensitive, send it through a postal wire and mail fraud inspector protected POB 678, Waldport, OR 97394

And it should be mentioned that I spent six months in desert Nevada(?) of my own resources to help trying to bring a malaria solution to The Gates. And I hope to dedicate and fortune I may (or not)  acquire to follow the billionaire’s club with a “FoamKrete” foundation.


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