BE MY SPECIAL GUEST TODAY -- THIS SATURDAY -- Sept 23rd @ 11AM CST/12PM EST -- An Appointment With Ardyss Can Change Your Life!
BE MY SPECIAL GUEST TODAY -- THIS SATURDAY -- Sept 23rd @ 11AM CST/12PM EST -- An Appointment With Ardyss Can Change Your Life!
Calling ALL of our ArdyssLife Family And Friends to Join Us TODAY --
from the comfort of your home -- this Saturday, Sept 23rd at 11AM CST/12PM EST on for our 'Ardyss United' webinar! See why it has been awesome for me to be with this Christian network marketing health & wellness company for 9 years and be a 'Minister In The Marketplace'.
Be a part of this exciting time with our founders as we take it to the next level!
#WeightLossCafe4Ever #ArdyssUnited #TheMastersCall #MinistersInTheMarketplace