My soul is in a hurry

My soul is in a hurry

I have counted my years and realized that I have less time to live than I have lived so far.

I feel like this child, that received a box of candies: after fast indulging the first ones, all the sudden realizing, that there are not so many left, and those should be better appreciated and truly enjoyed.

I do not have time for endless gatherings where statutes, rules, processes, and internal regularities are discussed, knowing, that nothing will be achieved.

I don’t have time anymore to bear absurd people, who despite their age have not grown.

I don’t have time anymore to fight the mediocrity.

I don’t want to participate in conversations, where inflated egos are parading.

I can’t stand manipulators and opportunists.

I am annoyed by those envious people, who seek to discredit the most able, in an attempt to take over their position and seize their talent and success.

My time is too short to discuss headlines. I’m aiming for the essential, as my soul is in a hurry – not so many candies left.

I like to live with humans, who are very humane. Humans, who can laugh about their mistakes and are not terribly conceited about their success. Humans, who don’t feel prematurely appointed and humans, who take responsibility. Humans, who defend human dignity and who are willing to stand for the truth and uprightness. It is that, what makes a life worth living.

I want to surround myself with people, who understand, how to touch the hearts of others. People who have learned through life’s hard punches to grow by tender touches of the soul.

Yes indeed – I’m in a hurry. I’m in a hurry to live with the intensity only maturity can offer.

I try not to waste any of the sweets, which are still left. I’m sure, that they will be even more delicious, than those, I already enjoyed.

It is my goal to reach the end – contended – in peace with myself, my loved ones and my conscience. We have two lives and the second begins when you realize that you have only one.

(Mario de Andrade (San Paolo 1893-1945); translated from the German text)

Marko Benko

Gesch?ftsführer bei Bluewater & Bridge GmbH - Brücken bauen, Talente finden, Erfolge schaffen

9 个月

Katharina, thanks for sharing!



