Early in October, a coworker took Will to the ER after a week of odd behavior and declining health. To make a long story short, doctors found a mass on Will’s brain and recommended he be transported immediately to the UAB hospital in Birmingham, Ala., for emergency surgery.
About a week later and after much testing, doctors removed a significant portion of the tumor, which testing later confirmed to be malignant. Will’s bounce back after surgery was remarkable — he even came back to work for a few days (sporting a new haircut) between the operation and his extended chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Because, well, he’s Will and the newsroom is his home!
But he’s still got a long road ahead of him. In November, Will began a period of FMLA absence from work while he undergoes chemotherapy and radiation treatment. The typical update has him feeling pretty well but always tired. (Plus, he’s having to get his news from the Tuscaloosa paper, which just isn’t cutting the mustard.)
Family and friends have been helping keep up with the usual bills — mortgage, electricity, car payments — but medical costs are of course mounting, and no one knows how long Will might be out of work.
Any contribution toward Will’s medical costs would be greatly appreciated and help him get through this treatment period.