My side hustle in transport: Introduction
Growing up in the once bustling gold mining town, Obuasi, located some 69 kilometres south-west of Ghana's second biggest city, Kumasi, the seat of the great Ashanti kingdom which had one of Africa's biggest gold mining conglomerates, where the sight of huge trucks and mining machinery was a daily affair, my love for automobiles grew when I could literally spend hours learning about these great walking machines through observation. To be sure of what I had seen, I would quickly gather empty cans, cut them up and attempt to build a 'prototype' for myself in my free time; during weekends and outside school hours and take them for test drive in the neighbour. I was very convinced I would be building cars for a living when I grow up.
Fast forward. After completing basic school, I chose to venture into visual arts due to my weak ability in Mathematics, which was a prerequisite for pursuing science and engineering related disciplines. The second reason for the change in course was the hands-on, practical aspect of engineering which I thought, was missing since no one built cars in Ghana at the time so I ditched the whole idea of learning engineering though I passed so well in the final exams to qualify me to pursue science or engineering. In secondary school, I was one of the best students in my class but my love for cars occasionally took me to the blackboard during free hours where I sketched designs of cars to the admiration of my mates. I remember coming up with a 6x6 SUV design, long before Mercedes debuted the G 63 AMG 6x6 in 2013. The passion grew stronger by the day but I managed to suppress it to focus on my arts studies..... To be continued
This is the just introduction. The full story unfolds in the coming days so stay tuned for more. #sidehustle #carlover #rentam