My Sad Story Selling $88,000 of Paintings to Paloma Ruiz Picasso

My Sad Story Selling $88,000 of Paintings to Paloma Ruiz Picasso

Here‘s a story I can’t brag about. If only as a child I understood the wisdom taught in The Fox & the Crow.

Once upon a time in September 2024, I clicked “like” on an Instagram Picasso post. A couple days later, I received a DM from Paloma Ruiz Picasso. I didn’t take note of the name. What attracted my attention was her admiring words and thoughtful questions. “Good evening! Your work is remarkably creative.??Couldn't go unnoticed. How many years have you been doing it?"

I responded with intimate thoughts about how creativity helps me feel less pain and more joy.

Paloma messaged me, “In all honesty, it comes across in your brushstrokes. Where are you from? Nice to meet you. Your talent as an artist does not go unnoticed, and I am honored to exchange with you. As a jewelry creator and designer, I have spent my life rubbing shoulders with masterpieces, in museums and within contemporary art, while sharing these moments with my father. Your work deserves special attention, and it would be a real pleasure for me to browse your catalog. I wish you to continue with passion and courage in this artistic path. It is a pleasure for me. to also exchange with an artist of such high quality.”

A few days later she wrote, “Hello Heidi, First of all, I would like to express my sincere congratulations on the presentation of your work. Your paintings are strikingly beautiful and have deeply touched me. Some of your creations have particularly caught my attention, and I would be delighted to acquire them if possible. But I am having difficulty communicating my choices to you because I cannot see the titles unless you allow me to take a screenshot of the works that interest me. I would like to have more information on these works and to know if you can ship them to Paris. I would be delighted to take a look at your catalogue and admire your magnificent works. Thank you in advance for your response. With all my admiration and support, Paloma.”

Now be honest. How would you feel after all these compliments?

I wanted to know more about this wonderful Paloma. It still didn’t register that she was Picasso’s daughter. I revisited her posts and saw photos of her with her father, images of his paintings and a few dozen other photos. She had 9000 engaged followers. The more I researched the more it dawned on me who she was - Picasso’s youngest daughter! My heart skipped a beat. Could this be the most important connection of my life? My energy skyrocketed.

She messaged again, “I will put you in touch with Master Gobbi, he is our lawyer for the Picasso administration, he takes care of the exhibition and acquisition projects of works of art within the Picasso administration. I will put his email at the end of this message, and I will also keep him informed of our collaboration. ?Master Gobbi will be informed in the minutes to follow and will wait for your email. He masters very well these aspects of the acquisition procedure at the only Picasso administration so together you can evolve very quickly.”

I was ecstatic and couldn’t keep the secret any longer. I called my daughter, bragged to my ping pong group, and confided in my banker. For the next couple of days I had four impressive crates built.

Next day, Paloma emailed the list paintings which included?8 of my largest and most expensive pieces. As promised, her lawyer, Master Giovanni Gobbi wrote me, “Ms. Heidi, Allow me, in my capacity as a lawyer of high international jurisdiction representing Ms. Paloma Picasso, to confirm that I am acting under a mandate expressly entrusted by my client in the context of the acquisition that we have previously discussed. You will find attached my business card. After a thorough legal analysis and internal validation with the Picasso administration, I am able to inform you that the quote that you sent us has been successfully approved. This approval fully commits Ms. Paloma Picasso to continue the acquisition in strict compliance with the legal requirements in force, in particular those imposed by French law.

As a result, I inform you that under French tax laws, a tax corresponding to 0.825% of the total amount of the sale will be applied, this being the exclusive responsibility of the buyer, in accordance with the legal provisions. This formality being essential to the complete regularization of the transaction, it is imperative that this amount be taken into consideration in the continuation of our exchanges. I hereby confirm that the acquisition procedure will be initiated tomorrow, in accordance with Miss Picasso's instructions, and that we are doing everything possible to ensure the flawless execution of this transaction.

The transport of the works will be subject to particular diligence in order to ensure their security and compliance with international export standards. I ask you to facilitate this process by providing us with your cooperation as soon as possible, so that this transaction can be concluded under optimal conditions. Pending your prompt response, please accept, Madam, the expression of my distinguished greetings.?Master Giovanni Gobbi, 5 rue de Thorigny, 75002 Paris France”?

I was convinced! As requested, I promptly emailed my invoice to Master Gobbi for $88,000 Canadian Dollars. Then my level-headed, internet saavy daughter called and warned, “Mom, do your research and don’t send money.”

Everywhere I searched checked out. Paloma was real, her lawyer’s name was reputable, the address to ship to was indeed to the Picasso Museum in Paris. Over the moon, with excitement, I quickly had shipping crates built for $1000 (a fraction of what I was going to be paid) and had everything ready for pick up in less than two days.

The following day, I received an email from Gobbi, “Moreover, in order to ensure the smooth completion of the necessary administrative formalities for the importation of the artworks, I would like to remind you that the payment of the fees related to these procedures amounts to five hundred and ninety-eight euros (€598) and some cents. This amount must be transferred to the bank account of my assistant, Mrs. Nadjath Sidi Ali, at the following details:Account holder: Nadjath Sidi Ali??IBAN: FR76 1469 0000 0155 0008 7026 514??BIC: CMCIFRP1MON.

I urge you to consider this request with the utmost attention, as the payment of this amount is a mandatory condition for the continuation and completion of the legal procedures for the exportation of the artworks. Adherence to these financial deadlines is crucial to ensuring the safety and traceability of the entire process. I would be grateful if you could make this transfer without delay and send us the transaction receipt as soon as possible. Furthermore, the purchase contract in English is also attached to this email. I encourage you to read it carefully and sign it, adding the mention 'read and approved'."

Something started to feel suspicious. I scratched my head. Why would he require €598 when they were to purchase $88,000 of paintings? Whose name was that on the account? The light started to come on. I was Crow slowly realizing that Fox was trying to trick me!

There was one place I forgot to research – the Picasso Administration in Paris. During my sleepless night, I called and a woman answered. I still remember her alluring French accent and her willingness to listen. I told my story. She sighed. "I‘m sorry to say, Palamo Picasso doesn’t do social media. And this Gobbi lawyer does not work for us.?I am afraid that you are being scammed." She asked me to send the correspondence and explained, "Shutting down all the scams has become impossible."

Well later that night, I received a DM from Paloma. “Good evening Heidi, I hope you are well? I did not receive a reply from you after you read my previous message. I wish you a good peaceful evening. sincerely Paloma”

I wrote back, “Hello Paloma, I spent considerable time and money preparing the work only to find out that the real Paloma does not do social networking nor does she have a lawyer called Giovanni Gobbi. Please do not contact me further.”

Days later, her Instagram page was restricted.

That said, while writing my story, I did find this new page. I don’t know if it is her or another person? For sure it is not the real Paloma Ruiz Picasso.

If this is really you Paloma, please let me know!

The moral of my story? Be careful who you befriend fellow artists! We all want to be acknowledged, want our work admired, and believe that one day it could stand alongside the masters. Before you let emotions govern you, do what my daughter advises: search the source, never send money, and check your need for flattery at the door.

Scammers can be cunning - like Fox eyeing the chunk of cheese in Crow’s beak. The foxes out there know our weakness; pour on the compliments, present a professional aura, and design their social platforms to deceive.

Next time Fox eyes your chuck of cheese and says, “Oh what a beautiful creature you are, with such splendid wings and shining feathers. Being such a wonderful Bird you must have a magnificent voice. If only I could hear you sing, I could hail you the Queen of Birds.” Don’t be Crow and forgot your suspicion and open your beak only to let your valuables dropped down right into Fox’s mouth.

They say to make a positive out of a negative. My story has three happy endings. First, I learned not to let flattery supersede good sense. Second, I learned to research the source. And finally, I learned how quickly I can get crates built with a little motivation!

For more information about Heidi Thompson's art please visit


Thanks or sharing Heidi!!So happy you found out their lie,


I’m a painter. I only sell locally, just to be safe, unless I already know people.


l almost got scammed once, on line. Had to jump through hoops that were annoying. That’s when I stopped. Something was wrong and when they protested, I knew it really was phony!

Adrian J.

Doktorand | Geschichte | CAU Kiel | Theater

3 个月

Thank you very much for your text! This case has just happened in my community as well. Exactly the same procedure! Also a profile from Paloma. I was already very skeptical about it. That's why I just searched on the internet and found your post here. Fortunately, your experience confirms my skepticism.

Monik Robichaud

Bringing nature to city folk who yearn for joy and beauty. Nature heals

3 个月

I'm so sorry this has happened to you but very glad you stopped, took a breath and checked things out. Social media has only sent me scammers, sadly. It's terribly frustrating.



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