My retirement years
I retired from full-time pastor at Elk Grove Baptist Church, Elk Grove Village, IL on June 30th of 2000. We moved to Prescott Valley, AZ where we lived for 12 years and then moved to Phoenix, AZ where we are only one mile away from our son's and daughter-in-law's home.
I conducted several camps, served Titus Ministries/ interim pastorates and church consulting, wrote several books, taught Bible classes and generally remained busy serving the Lord as He opened opportunities. I have taken two short-term missionary trips, one to Ghana and one to Nagpur, India. In Nagpur, I taught a course in 1 Peter and spoke to a large gathering of pastors in their annual Bible conference at Mission India Seminary and Bible College campus. This is the ministry of Reaching Indians Ministries International, a very fruitful work started by my dear friend, Dr. Saji Lukos.
Now I still preach occasionally as the Lord gives me opportunity and I write a regular weekly blog on my website, All five of my books, self published on, are featured on tabs on my website. My most recent book is a commentary on the book of Daniel. "How To Be A Confident Christian in a Crumbling World!" If anyone is interested in any of my books, you may purchase them (printed copy or Kindle book) on If you contact me via e-mail, I can save you mailing costs on printed books.
I continue to seek to be faithful to my call to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help fulfill the Great Commission, until He comes or calls me home. - Norm -