My Repeatable System For How I Make Influencers an Extra $10k-$40k/month

My Repeatable System For How I Make Influencers an Extra $10k-$40k/month

"Sean," you say. "Making an extra $10k-$40k/month sounds fucking sexy - and I've seen those case studies you post on your profile"

"But how do you do it, bro?"

The short answer: I use a system I created called the List Money Multiplier system.

Before I tell you about the system, let me start by telling you how I came up with it.

(If you want to skip it and jump to my explanation of the system, scroll past this story. But I think you'll like to hear it.)

My Story Developing The List Money Multiplier System

Back in summer of 2018 I was trying to quit my job as an RN, but I was still struggling to make money online.

Although I liked many things about my job, such as the action and helping people, I really wanted to quit for that time and lifestyle freedom.

I was also tired of being told what to do by people who, frankly, had little business being in leadership roles.

During that summer, I suffered a major lower body injury from years of power-lifting without ideal form, and could hardly walk without crutches for several months.

I couldn't even go to work my day job. And since I was per-diem, there were no benefits while being injured.

I knew I had to make some money somehow.

But the necessity was a blessing in disguise.

At that point, I had a self improvement blog called Western Mastery that I started in 2016. It developed a decent amount of readers, but I wasn't making money from it.

I made a Twitter account alongside it, and I started helping guys grow their Twitter accounts.

I knew that Twitter was my best shot.

Shortly before, I joined an online business group, got to know the guys, and decided to start affiliating for one of their courses...

One night I sent out an email introducing his offer, and finally had my first "oh shit!" moment.

Wham. Overnight sales.

The course I affiliated for pulled in 5 sales overnight, netting me $750. That was almost two days of work as an RN, and totally unheard of for me at the time.

I later affiliated for a few other courses - and the very first month selling from my following, I made $6000 before tax - the exact same amount of money I would have made as an RN.

The flood gates had opened. I was finally making real e-money.

Something NOBODY I knew in person was doing.

I had also started picking up copywriting and started doing some gigs for people, and helped friends learn what I learned.

This was back when "Money Twitter" was brand new - that is, a bunch of guys coming on Twitter to talk business.

From there I developed a reputation for helping people build their audience and make money online.

I figured out how to use the platform and started growing and monetizing better than just about anyone else, and people asked me how I did it.

People were even quitting their jobs because of my help.

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P.D. Mangan, a legend of Health and Fitness on Twitter, accredits me as the reason he was able to finally quit his job at a lab - a major goal he had for years!

With that said, I pulled away from helping people on Twitter for a bit and started a eCom store that ended up doing 7 figures in sales, but eventually got tired of the inconsistencies (constant bans for no reason) with advertising with Facebook.

Of course if I knew what I know now it would have been different, but that's life!

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My Shopify Store

Results from my Shopify store at the time. It did over $1.4 million in sales in just over two years, but it was too reliant on ads and started having big issues with Facebook.

eCom was great, but after that run, I decided I wanted to run a business with less variables out of my direct control.

I wanted to make (or BE) the product, I didn't want to deal with shipping, and I didn't want to rely on a platform that didn't give a shit about me for my income.

So I dived back into my skillset of consulting people on their audiences - but this time, I focused more specifically on monetization.

This is where the List Money Multiplier program, and ultimately the system, was born.

While working with dozens of clients, I was able to see the commonalities and develop a real method for each one to go through.

Some clients were able to make money very quickly when we focused on their offer.

Some needed a lot more work with their message first, but then were able to make a lot of money after.

Either way, the system has worked better the more I developed it.

Now it can be used to make money virtually at will, as long as a client has expertise in something useful and is willing to put the work in.

As a result of this system, lives were changed. People quit their jobs and gained entire incomes from their following.

So here's what I do - the byproduct of the years of work I put into this.

The List Money Multiplier System

This is what I call the List Money Multiplier system.

You know how marketers always have those "X step" systems?

Guess what, I have one too.

This is the system I use with all my clients.

The system for everyone is the same,

BUT - we do change the implementation depending on a few things:

  1. Your goals. Do you want a high ticket coaching program you can sell each month? A community making money each month? A course? Something else?
  2. How strong your current message is. Especially related to what we're selling. There are certain elements I look for, such as social proof, clarity in your message, and engagement while you talk about your subject of expertise. If these things aren't there, we spend more time on step 1, your messaging.
  3. What results you've gotten people at the skill or service you're selling. This is very important. The more results you've gotten, the better. You either need to get people solid results (whether they're free or paid clients) or impressive results for yourself in order to make the system work. If not, you have to work on getting results first.
  4. What products you have sold already. If you've sold products or services related to the offer we're creating, great. For instance, one client sold hundreds of his personalized meal plans and cookbooks before working together, and we're in the process of selling his high ticket coaching offer on eating right to help clients hit fitness and health goals. These past sales validate that people will pay him money to get results, and they are much easier to sell to for coaching upsells.
  5. How much time you have to spend. Some clients who have everything clicking (messaging, authority, results, etc) can go through the steps much quicker than others.

The point here is that these are factors that are considered when we implement the system.

Now, as for the List Money Multiplier System itself, here it is in steps:

1) Authoritative Messaging Framework

Your messaging is the core of everything.

We look at your messaging and determine:

  • What your expertise is
  • The ONE thing they should best know you for (The Big Domino Statement)
  • Your content and lead generation strategy
  • And a few other important things

If you're doing an awesome job with your messaging, then little to nothing needs to be done here.

For instance, Essential Craftsman had been well known in the craftsmanship space before we had a $62,397 Community launch together.

They'd been around for 5 years and developed a deep trust with their followers.

I wasn't going to tell them to modify their message.

If your message isn't as clear as theirs though, simplifying your message and getting seen as an expert is a critical step.

Often times with clients, they speak too broadly and don't show off enough expertise at any one thing. So we have to fix that early.

Adding clarity to your message in this case becomes increasingly important, and it becomes very easy to create high converting content once you have it figured out.

2) Winning Market Research

Markets are just groups of people, and as an "influencer" you have your own market following you already.

The cool thing is that to do market research...all you have to do is talk to your followers!

So in this step we determine what problems they most want to solve and the difficulties solving those problems.

We also do a quick dive to make sure that they have the money to solve those problems.

Our market research is done in any or all of these ways:

  • Wider scale (polling)?-?Asking your audience polls about what they want, like in the pictures below.
  • Deep (1 on 1)?- Talking to followers in the DMs/emails and/or getting them on the phone to get to know the person better, and ask them deeper questions about your potential offer.
  • Competitors?- We'll see what other people are selling, and what their offers look like. This can help us differentiate our own offer and make it even better.

How much market research you decide to do is up to you.

If we're particularly confident in the offer, the market research section can only be a few polls, such as these:

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This basic research and the offer we made from it took Jack from a few thousand dollars ever made from his account to roughly $120,000 in coaching sales in a year!

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That's a 6 figure/year business created from almost $0, in an earlier, less refined version of my system and program, even while he was distracted by his new son being born.

So as you can see, market research can sometimes be very simple - but if you want to get more in depth there's nothing stopping you.

Either way, the most important things we want to know are what they most want to accomplish, what their challenges doing that are, and if they have the money to pay for what you want to offer.

3) Create Your Irresistible Offer

This part is truly the bread and butter of the List Money Multiplier system.

This is the step where we create one offer where the value of the problem is worth many times over the price.

Steps 1 and 2 set us up for creating this offer, but this is where we cash out - while making your customers happy of course.

Typically we're aiming to solve problems that are worth $100,000 or more.

These are often biologically rooted problems such not being able to find a wife, being in bad shape, an underperforming business, and so forth.

Whatever you can solve credibly, your audience wants, and they know you for, we make an offer around.

With smaller clients, we typically go for high ticket offers ($3000+) because it's the needle-mover.

With very large audiences, lower ticket becomes an option.

In almost all cases, we test to make sure the offer works FIRST.

4) Market and Sell Irresistible Offer

At this point we determine the strategy to sell your irresistible offer.

Typically we do this with a plug and play template to introduce and launch your offer.

Meanwhile, we use any advantages you may have already.

For instance:

  • If you have happy past customers of any related product, we typically target them because it's a huge sales boost. Happy past customers are way more likely to become new customers.
  • If you are well connected in your market, we have your friends help you get the message out.

If your offer is a few thousand dollars, we usually sell it over the phone.

If it's less, we typically create a simple but effective landing page to sell it.

If for some reason your offer doesn't sell as much as we hoped, which can happen on occasion, no problem. We use this experience as market research and go back to step 3.

5) Build Your Automated Sales Machine

In this step, typically after you picked up your first clients and you at least have the ball rolling with them, we build a "sales machine" to sell your offer on autopilot.

If it's a high ticket coaching offer, this is typically done with a pre-sales sequence and wait list.

If it's a low ticket offer, we'll build the sequence so it sells the offer on its own.

The goal of this automated sales machine is to:

  • Educate them on the offer.
  • Show them who you've been successful with.
  • Handle their objections.
  • Show them it will work for them.

Either way, we strategize the best way to sell your offer and then create a system to sell it for you either entirely on autopilot, or to warm them up as much as possible so all you need to do is take phone calls to close the hot leads.

In my List Money Multiplier program, there's a swipe file so you create this email sequence as quickly and easily as possible.

At the end, all you need to do to either get sales (or hot leads, depending on your offer and how we structure this) is to send them to this sequence.

You can literally just post memes to get traffic as long as you link them to this sequence.

6) Optimize Irresistible Offer

In this step, several months after the first sale, we determine how well your offer has gone.

We ask questions such as:

  • What did your customers like about it?
  • What results did they get?
  • What parts of delivering the offer could be more efficient?
  • What lessons and tools can we create to get them the same or better results for less of your time, once they're created?

The goal with this is to figure out how we can:

  • Get customers better results
  • Take less of your time to deliver
  • Scale your offer if you want to scale

This typically happens a few months down the road when your clients have gone through your entire offer.

For instance, if you have a high ticket coaching offer - we want to have lessons and tools around the most important sticking points of the offer.

That way you spend less time coaching each client and can scale.

It typically takes time to fully optimize an offer, so it depends on how long I'm working with a client if we can fully optimize it while we're together.

At the very least, in the List Money Multiplier program you will have a game plan to optimize your offer over time.

"How do I learn this system?"

Currently, there are two ways I run clients through this system:

  • You can join my program, List Money Multiplier. This is available if you have at least a few thousand online followers or a few hundred previous customers, and you have a useful skill to sell in one of the health/wealth/relationships niches.
  • You can partner with me and do a revenue share model, so our interests are aligned to make as much money as possible together over the long term. This is only available for those who I believe have at least 7 figure a year potential and the work ethic to accomplish it.

In the future I may have a course available that doesn't require any of my time, but is considerably less expensive and more available than either option.

What does this look like once I've followed this system?

In the List Money Multiplier program, it looks like this:

  • You've AT LEAST made all your money back from the program.
  • You have a high converting irresistible offer.
  • You have at least a game-plan to make the offer even better.
  • You have an automated sales machine selling it for you on autopilot.

Typically, the ROI of this is many times the price of entry, and returns of well over $100,000 are very common.


This is the system I use for every client, anywhere from my List Money Multiplier Program to my 1 on 1 clients.

(And again, I may have a course coming out in the future as well, so you can apply this method on your own without my help).

With some clients we don't have to spend as much time going through steps as others. We may know exactly what we're going to offer because it's dead-obvious what they need.

Either way we follow this system in some form or another to produce solid results.

Who does this work for?

It really doesn't matter what you do - you just have to have an audience help people at something. I've used this system for people in niches such as:

  • Fitness
  • Amazon FBA
  • Tax/Financial Services
  • Craftsmanship
  • eCommerce
  • Sales Training
  • Retail Arbitrage
  • Quitting Porn (lol)
  • Habit & Productivity Performance for Entrepreneurs
  • Relationship Counseling

And that list will only grow.

The most important point - you help people with something and it falls under the health, wealth, or relationships niches in some form.

As long as you're an expert at what you can do, can help other people solve their problems with your skillset, and work to apply the system, the List Money Multiplier system just plain works.

Need more information?

Read more about my List Money Multiplier program here.

Or if you have any questions at all, send me a message here on LinkedIn.


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