My remote working experience
I’m approaching this post like a school child would having to admit that their homework wasn’t complete: the dog ate it, or the goldfish died and I really liked that silly fish. I completely anticipated the fact that writing regular posts was not going to happen and I promised myself that I would only write when I had something to say. Not just write for the sake of writing…. I’d have to do some work at some point.
OK, that junk out the way. Moving on:
For more than 18 months now, I’ve had the feeling that working from a single geographical location was somehow alien. Humans, at their core, are nomadic, moving from place to place following food, resources or members of the opposite sex. Many of us, myself included, have settled down and grown roots in one place, pinned for whatever reasons: family, work, a mortgage, laziness or whatever. In my process of rationalizing these core traits I began to think about my own occupation and how could I “design” it in such a way that my location was no longer an issue. This would allow my family and I free reign over this globe, allowing us to experience things we wouldn’t normally have done. As in previous posts, you would have noticed that I’ve packed in my 9-5 desk job and begun a new adventure that is designed to achieve just that. I’m seven months (or so) into this new venture that has allowed me to: continue my design work which I love, design and manufacture my own products to sell and free up my mind to realise the more important things that drive us.
Right now, I find myself in the middle of a five week stay in ... continue reading