My reflect in the darkness
My reflect .
Today i want to share my experience of day away .
As we in most of cases feel anxiety ,the very good way to fox this unpleasant feeling is just get away for a while and change a scenery . It has been also a great occasion to meet up old friends . And a very vise advise is coming out from here . Never forget old friends . You never know when You gonna need them . Well . I took a bus to Waterford , somewhere in South of Ireland .
I just thought ,that we don't know ,what is gonna happen in another months time period ,so during current unpredictable times ,that what we need to do is just simple focus on today's and catch up a present moment , make a special in any possible way . I really curious ,what actually direction everything will take . In my opinion March and April are going be like a turning moments . My question is .Its this global madness going be over and What another steps our governments are going take to protect us from this invisible enemy .
Myself i have decided ,that i have got so fed up this fear .
And something amazing happened ,when i got the bus ,when i was returning to Dublin .
Remember .We never can't be sure ,when something great can happen in our lives . And it hadn't been planned . We need to be prepared and open mined for a special moment or opportunity ,or success .
When i took a seat , it was sun set time and sky began be covered by the darkness . That's what is happening for us very often . Don't You have this impression, that we are like walking in the darkness for a last two years ? I see many of us not full present at particular moment .I didn't plan anything . It was a cool idea to take a picture . My intuition ,my inner voice said ,,Yes ,That's it .Why don't try and don't do it so .''
Landscapes look amazing during the end of day .. I shut a photos and when i checked them i have found my own shadow reflected from the window . Totally unconsciously i made something different and unique . Somehow ,sometimes something great can come along ,when we don't expect and make a significant change in our lives .
Even when we don't see anything else except a darkness our shadow still can reflect . Everyone can make a change . But do You really believe ,that You have a power to do it so ?
Can You see Your unique reflect ,how special and important You are just the way You are and because You are . And this is enough .