My recent Learning Experience on Business Skills.
Channa Basava Raj Shivpuje
Corporate Training Services | Vitual Labs | Training Solutions | Vebsters & Sanctum | AutoVerse Academy
Today I’m sharing my recent Learning Experience on Business Skills.
I’m Channa Raj, an Entrepreneur and a Business owner and we are into Corporate Training Services. In my business journey we were not making enough profits and always blaming market is down and We faced many challenges in building productive teams; I realised I need to acquire skills required to a build-up a consistent profitable business.
I recently attended a BUSINESS BREAKTHROUGH SEMINAR by Mr. Rajiv Talreja, which is a 4 hour of Online Live training program that gave me deep insights on Successful Entrepreneurship.
After the training session; I realised what I need to do as an Entrepreneur or a Business Owner and As team in the company where exactly we were going wrong, we listed out our mistakes, took Action to fine-tune our mistakes and Now Slowly we started getting our direction right in our business and heading towards building a profitable business.
There's another one coming up this week too!
I have attended the Session after watching videos of Mr. Rajiv Talreja on Youtube, I have shared the Links of Videos, Success Stories below.
I thought it would add great value to you too !!!
Episodes - #GetReal with Rajiv:
Success Stories of Entrepreneurs & Business Owners from different sectors & industry: -
Video on - Perfect mediocrity vs Shabby success: -
Training Date - 6 Feb 2021 (Saturday) | Time - 09:00 AM-01:00 PM IST
Registration Link -
Discount Code (Free) – EBCHBA
Note: This Training for only for People who have their Own Business irrespective of Size, Sector, Place, Scale This training will be is useful and helpful -
· If you are A - Doctor, CA - Charted Accountant, Lawyer, Contractor, Solopreneur
· If you are into – Hospital Business, Real estate, Construction, Interior design, Textile, Manufacturing, Retail Business , Pharma, Grocery Supermarket Business, Dairy Business, Trading, Services Business, Educational Institute, Agriculture, IT or Software, Travel Business, Restaurant Hotel Business, Digital Marketing, Network Marketing Business, Training or Coaching Business, Any kind of Business.
This is Not a Get Rich Quick training session.
Have a Wonderful and Successful Year 2021 ahead.
Warm Regards,
Channa Raj. S,