My Recent Business Breakdown (Ahem, Breakthrough!)

My Recent Business Breakdown (Ahem, Breakthrough!)

This past weekend, I attended a business retreat hosted by friend, colleague, and mentor, Michelle Villalobos.

The goal? Finalize a marketing strategy that would finally put The Nth Degree? on the map.

The result? Crying so hard that my fake eyelashes fell off in front of a room of over 20 people.

Yea... I didn't see that one coming, either.

While I'm the sensitive type by nature, I'm definitely not one to, ahem, lose my shit in front of a room of fellow entrepreneurs and business owners. And to pull a full on Oprah, and lose my eyelashes in the process? No, thank you. Next, please.

So what drove me to this vulnerable and necessary release of emotion? One, massive realization:

The energy with which I was creating my business was never going to lead to the business I wanted to create.

I'll break it down for you. There are two types of creative energy-- you can think of one as masculine (forceful, driven, and structured) and the other as feminine (receptive, fluid, and nurturing).

Neither type of energy is better or worse than the other, but a significant outweighing of either energy over the other can lead to some pretty interesting outcomes.

For instance, while masculine energy in balance leads to confidence, strength, and stability, an abundance of masculine energy with no balancing feminine energy can lead to aggression, control, and avoidance. Not exactly a recipe for professional, sustainable success, am I right?

So what did I realize this weekend?

All of the time I had been trying to FORCE answers and strategies onto my business, I was actually PUSHING away the energy that would allow those answers to FLOW to me with EASE and INTUITION.

And while that might sound counterintuitive (or even a little woo-woo for your career), let me ask you this:

Can you FORCE clarity on yourself?

If you're struggling to discover your ideal career, you already know the answer to this question. The reality lies in the number of sleepless nights, the countless pages scrolled on job boards, and the ever-increasing volume of doubts and uncertainty clouding your brain.

I don't like to use the word "can't" but I will say this: You cannot possibly FORCE clarity onto yourself.

Clarity is received. Clarity is allowed. Clarity is nurtured.

Clarity comes from letting go a little bit of that masculine and leaning into more of the feminine. Or, if you prefer, doing less FORCING and doing more RECEIVING.

Still confused? I don't blame you. It took 20 sets of eyes and an incredibly supportive environment to have my breakdown, ahem, breakthrough.

So what will it take for you?

If you're ready to discover your ideal career, eliminate uncertainty, gain clarity, and pursue that vision confidently, let me be that mirror for you.

Book your free 50-minute clarity call today.

On that call we will explore what's keeping you stuck, dive deeply into our proven methodology, and come up with a plan of action for your career.

Don't wait anymore. Your mind and body are seeking balance. And the longer you spend "rubix-cubing" your career (thank you, Michelle, for that analogy!), the longer you'll spend PUSHING those answers away.

Now is the time. Clarity and certainty are just one call away.

Be unstoppable,


PS- there are some EXCITING updates coming your way very soon! New programs, new events, AND a 5th business birthday party for our LLC! Be on the lookout for more about these updates in the coming weeks!


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