Is my reality a dream or my dream a reality?
Rick Torrison
International Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Mindset Coach, From limited to limitless
I love the quote from Nick Jonas who said, "Dreams are reality waiting to happen."
What dreams have you had in your life that you are still waiting to realize? For many of us, we had dreams when we were younger but then we grew up or life happened. Maybe you were told by someone in your life that your dream was unrealistic, impossible, or simply stupid. Maybe that voice wasn't from someone on the outside looking in but was actually that inner voice that created doubt and caused you to move away from your dream or give up on it altogether.
One of my favorite books of all time is a classic written by James Allen in 1903 called As a Man Thinketh (get your free download HERE). Allen talks about the power of our thoughts in shaping our own destiny and bringing our dreams into reality. He says, "Man is the master of thought, the molder of character, and the maker and shaper of condition, environment, and destiny."
I have come to believe as Allen believes that all that a man/woman achieves and all that they fail to achieve is the direct result of their own thoughts. If you have dreams that have not been realized or that you have given up on, I want to encourage you that they are not dead, they are only sleeping. They are waiting for you to break out of your limiting beliefs and believe again.
God would not have given you dreams if He had not already given you everything you need to fulfill them. So what are you waiting for?
Dreaming is nothing without action. Take daily actions to turn your big dream?into reality. No matter how small, every action you take gets you one step closer to your big dream, and every day you take action you build momentum. A small action every day might not feel significant at the time, but over time little things add up.
Here are 4 ways you can begin to turn your dreams into reality
Here is the key to identifying your WHY… It has to elicit an emotion.?Your Why can’t be vague, it has to be tangible, and you have to be able to feel it.?There must be emotion attached to your why or something else will come and steal your dream.?
If you will just practice these four steps you will be well on your way from moving that dream to a reality and if you're interested in the rest of the process I would love to help you.
It's all about building your roadmap and putting action to your dreams. In the process, we will have to crush those limiting beliefs and shift our mindset from fear to faith.
I know for me I've had a coach for the last 20 years and they have helped me to pull back the blinders and to see what I can't see. They've reminded me of the dreams and the greatness inside me. I believe everyone should have a coach who knows how to help us get from where we are to where we want to be.
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Rick Torrison?is a Success Certified Coach, Accountability Advisor, Certified DISC trainer, facilitator, Author, Speaker, and Trainer.
Rick, this is so excellent - very typical of your “brand”! I love how your progression from big pictures and spiritual message to pragmatic tools to “make it happen”. Bravo!