So after Church service on Sunday while the parents are meeting, the kids break out of their children’s classes. Most of the time is spent sharing their devices and playing games while waiting for their parents to round up for the day. It’s not strange to see clusters of children according to their age ranges across the church auditorium playing games either on their parents’ phones or other devices. My sons are not left out. For them, it’s a part of the after Sunday service routine. My only instruction is you that you are responsible for keeping your drinking bottles, bags, bible and note pads safe.
This Sunday, the excitement was a bit heightened (I don’t know why), Jayden decided to give one of the ladies in my group his bible to hold. A smart move, who better than to give than someone daddy is very familiar with. The only problem was, when my friend was ready to leave, Jayden was nowhere around and so she sent the bible to me. When it was time to go, I ask for his bible. It’s with David’s mummy he says. ‘Well, where is she? I watched as he ran round the hall. I called him back quickly knowing David’s mummy had left and not wanting him to stress himself out. I could the see a sad look on his face.
Coming back to the car with his head downcast, he was escorted by one of his friends who kept telling him it was alright. When we were about to leave, I whispered to his friend Declan that he shouldn’t worry that I actually had the bible but I wanted to prove a point. He smiled and said, I HAVE TO TELL JAYDEN. I said he shouldn’t bother that I’ll tell him at home. The next thing he said was that he had to because they promised never to keep secrets. LOYALTY! A strong feeling of support or allegiance Six year olds giving me a lesson on loyalty.
I’m in my quiet place, thinking about the events of the day (Check out my previous posts on the origin of MY QUIET PLACE). How many friendships have been lost; how many business opportunities scuttled; how many relationships couldn’t weather the storm: how many careers ended abruptly; how many elections disrupted; how many lives lost. What a better world we could live in#MyQuietPlace#TurnAroundThursday#