My Quick Thoughts on Mentorship
Over the course of my last 5 years working (post university), I've matured to the realization that mentorship is a privilege and luxury seldom conferred freely, but when it is -- it should always be treated with utmost gratitude and respect. One of the stark realities of matriculating the "Institution of Adulting" (i.e., growing up) is that the world in which we live is full of complexities and imbalances that make it difficult, at times, to understand the value of contributing to someone else's path while yours seems so uncertain.
On mentorship:
As a/the beneficiary: the notion that someone unrelated to you, with no legal or moral obligation to you, freely gives their time, experience, insight, knowledge, and resources of any kind -- with no fundamental or tangible gain -- underscores the bedrock of humanity; what it's supposed to be and embody.
As a/the benefactor: arriving to a position, in life and career, that has the ability to shape and reveal unlocked or untapped passion, talent, or inspiration -- with a genuine interest in molding and assisting people -- is one of the most fulfilling emotions attainable of the human experience.
While life has taught me to no longer expect anything from anyone (not because I think people are malicious -- rather because we're all battling something), I'm committed to giving whatever to whomever, whenever, and however necessary to push an individual over the threshold.
-- so doing not only builds a noteworthy career but also a worthwhile life journey.