I am convinced now more than ever, that critics have an axe to grind with the DCEU (especially Zack Snyder).

The CGI is not as bad as it is being made out to be. In point of fact, it isn't even bad at all! You'll only find it if you're looking for it. I wasn't.

I initially had reservations over the 2 hour runtime (I love 3 hour comic book movies, sue me!) but even that is well harnessed. The characters are finely developed and there is a bit of humour for those who want DC movies to become like Marvel's (I like my coffee black without sugar or cream, thank you very much!). I was worried when the man who worked on The Avengers was brought to work on Justice League because I never saw any Avengers movie more than once. There was just something utterly forgettable about them.

Now that WB has decided to bow to the critics (and perhaps some of the fans), we have smiling heroes. Ironically, the same critics who complained about the initial dark tone of DC movies now complain of the lighter tone! Please, tell me you saw that coming because I saw it a mile away.

As for the fight scenes, awesome! No one directs a fight scene better than Snyder and while he doesn't attain the heights of Batman's warehouse scene in Batman v Superman, what he offers is still better than any Marvel fight scenes bar the Captain America series.

The return of a certain superhero is handled well and there is even a nasty but still pleasant surprise for those who never knew the true extent of his powers. Hint: Remember X-men: Apocalypse? Remember the one scene Apocalypse and Quicksilver shared together? Well...

Anyway, back to the movie.

Wonder woman, Aquaman, The Flash, Cyborg and Batman all play their roles well and the backstory on the new heroes is handles seamlessly.

And as for Cirian Hinds's Steppenwolf, he is no worse than David Thewlis's Ares. He is also not weak as he effortlessly trashes ancient cities and relentlessly pummels our heroes. If anything, he is at least better than James Spader's assault on our collective senses, the dreadful and depressing Ultron!

Overall, great movie. If Batman v Superman left you a bit dull and uninspired (I loved it and still think it was a misunderstood movie), Justice League will inspire you as the heroes do what heroes do. Your heart will swell at the end and like me, you'll go back again and again.

And please don't listen to the critics. One of them actually called Ezra Miller's Flash a rip-off of Tom Hiddlestone's Spiderman! Got that? Hiddlestone? Spiderman? Better not be Loki in a Spiderman suit then. I mean, do these critics even watch these movies at all before rating them? Another mentioned Aquaman's trident having 5 points instead of 3! Well, if they were really watching and listening, they would have known that wasn't Aquaman's trident, it was Mera's. He can be clearly heard asking if he can borrow something from her.

The point is, never rely on critics when it comes to the DCEU. Critics easily overlook flaws in Marvel movies but sharpen their knives for our DC movies.

I also can't help but notice that a lot of critics in their reviews urge readers to go watch Thor: Ragnarok, almost like they're trying to keep the uninspiring Marvel movie afloat in the face of Justice League's assault of the box office. Kindly skip the critics and see Justice League for yourself.

I enjoyed it and I recommend it. And please stay till the every end of the credits. At the Cinema (a full house by the way) where I saw it, people left even before the end of the first credits and then ran back when they saw the mid credits scene. Naturally, they missed the second scene after the end credits since that took much longer. Yours truly stayed till the end and it was worth his while.

My rating: A well paced movie that truly inspires and sets up several other DC movies.



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