My Q3 Y2019 Book List
Anand Pandey
Organizational Transformation Consultant & Career Coach | Shaping Future Leaders & Transformative Strategies
Another quarter of the year spent very well learning...
Unlike the previous quarter when my reading list was diverse, this quarter was spent enhancing my knowledge on Kanban and SAFe. Below are the list of books I got inspired reading to.
- Kanban - Successful evolutionary change for your technology business by David Anderson
- Essential Kanban Condensed
Both the books perfectly compliment in building our understanding on Kanban and how it can be used as a change management framework on an existing process. While the condensed version covered a lot of ground in just few pages, the former one got down right to the implementation of Kanban within your own context.
- SAFe Distilled by Richard Kanster and Dean Leffingwell
- SAFe 4.5 Reference Guide: Scaled Agile Framework for Lean Enterprises
While SAFe website is the best and most updated place to get any information related to SAFe, I got the two paper books for the preparation of SPC exam and for the sense of accomplishment of holding and completing a book. Like in the case of Kanban, I liked the condensed (distilled) version.
- The Lean Mindset - Ask the right questions by Mary and Tom Poppendieck
The author's approach to Lean is simply awesome. Having read few of their previous excellent books on lean, this was a default inclusion and just takes my lean mindset to the next level.
- Agile Survival Guide - Michael Sahota
An excellent book on organizational culture and transformation. The Schneider culture model and its assessment is really an essential tool for any change agent.
- Best Agile Articles of 2017 - edited by Michael De la Maza
It is not possible for us to read and absorb from millions of articles written on agile every year. Michael and Cherie has done an excellent favor to the community by selecting and cataloging the best agile articles of 2017. I got a lot of insight, and directions to further read and enhance my knowledge on any topic. Planning to start Agile Articles 2018 this quarter!
I hope you find the above list inspiring to pick up one to read and learn. Looking forward to an exciting Q4 reading and learning.
Check out my Q2 Y2019 reading list.
Also check out why I read a full book and not just the summary...