My python chatbot

So in recent months ive started work on abstract 1.5. This version of chatbot included many new upgrades including help menus, keyword detection and word correction and analysis. In this article i would like to break down some key functions of abstract to share with you.

What is abstract

Abstract is a chatbot i began work on in November 2022. The chatbot's python code was limited back then as i had only begun to learn python in my school classes. In preparation to further my knowledge, i consulted my computing teacher, who may i add was and is extremely helpful, after showing my chatbot to her i gained some insightful tips. Abstract stayed in version 1 for the vast majority of 2022 and 23, i have only begun work on 1.5 this November. here are some key changes:

  • user input logging
  • delete account function
  • help menu
  • keyword detection

word correction

whilst this list may not seem that long each one of these has taken me a minimum time of a week to complete even leading to my discovery of the Levenshtein import.

Keyword recognition

Abstract performs keyword recognition instead of whole phrases like its predecessor. This furthers the chatbot's capability and allows it to understand more complex phrases. In addition to this, the chatbot concatenates responses to attempt to provide the most useful information to the user.


