I don't need to be a lawyer or pass the bar to know that Dr. Richard Geist has NO DEFENSE for his BOUNDARY VIOLATIONS. Lets play this scene out, me as the lawyer asking Dr. Geist why he did what he did.
Lawyer Sandy: Why did you allow the patient to touch your pe@is?
Dr. Geist: I did NOT allow it. She just grabbed it without my consent.
Lawyer Sandy: Did you or did you not allow the patient to sit in your lap?
Dr. Geist: Ya, BUT...….
Lawyer Sandy: If you did NOT allow the patient access to your lap or body and told her to remain in her chair could this have happened?
Dr. Geist: Well, No, BUT......
Lawyer Sandy: Why did you encourage the patient to have sex with her other psychologist Dr. James Barbaria?
Dr. Geist: She told me she loved him.
Lawyer Sandy: Are you aware that the "in-love" excuse does NOT wash because of the power in-balance in the relationship? She could not have loved him as it is a one-sided relationship with the doctor holding all power and knowledge!
Dr. Geist: Ya, BUT... he spent a lot of sessions telling her all his problems. So, she did know him somewhat.
Lawyer Sandy: And you are saying this is OK, her paying him to discuss himself???? Dr. Geist do you know what self-disclosure is, and how to use it and when NOT to????
Dr. Geist: Sure I learned that my freshman year in Psyche101. But I'm a rebel and don't believe in adhering to all the boundaries.
Lawyer Sandy: EXACTLY!!! CASE CLOSED!!