It is NOT true that you can talk about or say anything you want in therapy! I have tried for over 20 years and with dozens of different psychologists. I was seeing Dr. Pogany for two years. I noticed him starting to burn-out. After I left a phone message for him telling him that he should speak to Dr. Geist (his old supervisor), my currant therapist he got livid and terminated the therapy via an email. I am sick and tired of having to be more professional than a DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This excerpt is out of my book:
It’s not every day that a patient gets abruptly and unilaterally kicked to the curb by their psychologist in an email. This happening after a two-year therapy is almost unheard of. The only reason a therapist might do this is if they feel personally threatened or someone in their family was threatened. But I assure you that this wasn’t the case.
Here is the shocking “goodbye email”
Dear Sandy,
After listening to your voicemail message on Saturday, it’s clear we are no longer able to work together. I am confident that you will be able to continue your psychotherapy with someone else. I send you all good wishes.
Dr. Pogany
When I received this email, I was in a state of shock. Having borderline personality disorder, I am used to ending many therapies and relationships this way. It’s the coward’s way out from having to say things face to face to someone. It’s a good way of avoiding conflict and responsibility. I’ve been in therapy for over sixteen years, and I have never had a therapist end therapy so abruptly, using email as the way to do in a unilateral decision with no discussion with the patient.
I immediately called him back and left two voice messages on his answering machine to see me for a last session, which is the professional thing to do. I also wrote Dr. Pogany–
It is totally unprofessional to end therapy of two years with a patient via email WITHOUT a last session. I know you’re in a “reactive/protective state”, but I am imploring you NOT to end it like this…. WITHOUT a last session to discuss things. I KNOW we can work this out. I have ended therapy countless times like this. I will admit this is the FIRST time a therapist has done it to me.
Dr. Pogany, you are BETTER than this. PLEASE allow me my session tomorrow.