My pronostics about FRANCE - CHINA meetup April 2023 (envisionned in December 2022)
Paul iglesia
Founder | Ecolo | Global | Environmentalist | Brutalist | Croissant | Mezcal
In a couple of days, Emmanuel Macron will visit #China. Last December (2022), I was asked by a partner "What topics you think will be brought up by Macron if he visits China next year (2023), and what recommendations would you make?". This is what I wrote back (Pardon my French and grammar, I never proof-read and modify my writings from raw thoughts):
I believe that France (and at a larger scale Europe) and China should build closer relationships for the energy and the environment objectives that are put forward. These objectives being:
- Climate control, making humanity able to balance the planet’s changes to be less dependent on our actions.
- Energy freedom, making transition to renewable and infinite energy this century.
- Resources availability, making water, food and minerals available to all at any given time.
- Commercial routes, making land connections in EurAsia a real opportunity to connect over 60% of world population, and then adding connections with Africa for the success of人类命运共同体.
But not only, In the current conditions and context, meaning if Ukraine war continues longer and more wars erupt due to Resources and Territories/Religion/Military conflicts in the middle of the trading routes of Eurasia, the above mentioned objectives will be close to impossible to reach and will lead to an inferno of troubles which will be out of hand to solve. So immediate coordination and action should be done in order to keep a peaceful environment for collaboration and not see any negative words being brought up publicly.
The advice i would see fit are the following:
- Present an unprecedented surprising proposal to collaborate on knowledge, industry and commerce between France ( + EU) and China.
- The knowledge that must be shared should touch on Health, Agriculture, Energy, Transport and Basic technology that are being researched in academic centers in both countries.
- Industry collaboration should first benefit the people and become an exemplary project for generations to come to see a collaboration that leads to concrete large-scale improvements in territories communications, blurring the political differences and connecting people, cities and regions.
- The commerce collaboration should see that every party has short term gains as well as each party understands the long term goals they are working on. The commercial collaborations should be explained and exposed to the public in order to receive great
moral support from the population. An open exchange of goods and ideas will always be beneficial to Humanity.
- France should be reminded of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence if they are still the guidelines of China’s behavior globally. Because Macron is a young president, he might not have
a complete grasp about the whole Chinese philosophy and should be learning about the long term positive impact of great projects but also understand that it must receive a coherent and constant feed of effort, consistency and disciplined parties over the years and not have short term hurtful behavior that could jeopardize the global security and peace.
- China should understand how France's population works and understand the differences of the people. A great angle to come through this would be to come up with a plan for countries to have
both Freedom + Security, which today Freedom is great in France and Security is great in China. Managing to combine both will only happen through collaboration of the people on projects and to shorten the distance of the people of both countries in order to understand each other better.
Finally there must be a common agreement that no country should see themself as the center of the world and that we are all equal and working together is what brings the best out of everything. It was
exemplary to see the collaboration and common work of global science and health professionals and academics when it comes to epidemics and the learnings from this should be exploited to be brought to a wider range of industries.