Faith is very demanding. It demands that once we hear God?s Word, we?re to obey it, with no other evidence to direct us. It doesn?t matter how big our obstacles may be, how impossible our circumstances. We?re to believe his Word and act on it, with no other proof to go on. God says, ?My promise is all you need.?
Like every generation before us, we also wonder, ?Lord, why am I faced with this test? It?s beyond my comprehension. You?ve allowed so many things in my life that don?t make sense. Why is there no explanation for what I?m going through? Why is my soul so troubled, so filled with great trials??
Hear me again: The demands of faith are totally unreasonable to humankind. So, how does the Lord answer our cries? He sends his Word, reminding us of his promises. And he says, ?Simply obey me. Trust my Word to you.? He accepts no excuse, no wavering, no matter how impossible our circumstances may seem.
Please don?t misunderstand me. Our God is a loving Father. And he doesn?t allow his people to suffer indiscriminately, for no reason. We know he has at his disposal all the power and willingness to make every problem and heartbreak go away. He can merely speak a word, and rid us of every trial and struggle.
Yet, the fact is, God isn?t going to show us how or when he?ll fulfill his promises to us. Why? He doesn?t owe us any explanation, when he has already given us the answer. He?s given us everything we need for life and godliness in his Son, Jesus Christ. He is all we need for every situation life throws at us. And God is going to stand on the Word he has already revealed: ?You have my Word within your reach. My promises to you are yea and amen to all who believe. So, rest on my Word. Believe it and obey it.?