My Principles Series: Hope & Vulnerability

My Principles Series: Hope & Vulnerability

To all those who believe that remembering our childhood can still hold surprises, and why an old 80’s action fiction movie with a guy in a cape that could fly, was so important in order to find a meaning within us.

Just from the start I’m a Super Hero Fan, but this is not a story of heroes only.

I like to believe that I was a great kid. I mean really - at least from what I'm able to remember and the several stories from my mom and dad, every time we raised the subject of our years together at the same home.

Those were the years to remember, I’m sure about that. The world was small, and likewise easier to embrace with a smile on our faces. Kids, what would we do without them?

Life was simpler, but it was also, something else. Something that I would not change for anything. Considering that in the digital age every eight-year-old kid we know, can spend hours satisfying himself with a small box that plays games and makes sounds, I’m glad I was just a "playground kid". My universe was all my infinite afternoons after school, with no cellphone near me. (in my defense, there was no cellphone back then)

(actually, the only major sound I remember it was basically my mother calling me, by my name to get back home. She was always on time, and, yeah, it was time for dinner)

Back then, as a kid my expectations were not too deep of meaning. Why should they be?

HOPE, for example, it was only a small word for me, like many others I did not used so often.

Looking in front of me there was only the next playdate with my friends, life was like a bucket full of joy in every moment. Tomorrow was just another day to go back and play again.

I never ever thought that, after years, this small word (HOPE) would have so much meaning, so much significance defined by good vibrations.

During the day, we often hope;;

  • We hope to have a good day;
  • We hope for a good life;
  • We hope for a good professional journey;
  • We hope to be good in almost every aspect.

List goes on, I’m sure.

We are beings built by expectation, have we ever agreed to that or not.

I remember something amazing from my childhood, the experience of watching Super Man – The Movie, 1978 (Marlon Brando, Gene Hackman, Christopher Reeve). I remember that symbol “S” from an extra-terrestrial being coming from an intelligent far away world called Krypton, to be our Hero, the Superman, our superman.

I wanted to be him, a Superman, to be strong, fast, to be able to see through walls, and of course to fly to wherever I wanted - really who wouldn’t?

It never occurred to me that it wasn’t all those attributes that made him so special.

Not to mention, that what this one of a kind being wanted, in the end, was to be one of us, even though all we wanted was to be like him. We wanted to be Supermen.

That’s excel what we are not! Dr. Brené Brown, one of the most important experts under the study of vulnerability during one of her sessions on TED talks mentioned:

“Daring greatly means the courage TO BE VULNERABLE, it means to show up and be seen. To ask for what you need to talk about how you’re feeling…”

That’s right.

There’s one particular moment during the movie that the young Clark Kent, went out from home looking for answers, after his foster father, Jonathan Kent died.

Clark went south, until discovered his Fortress of Solitude, built from one of the Clark’s relics made by Kryoptonian Kryptonian crystals.

There, he found his past and real memories of his father, Jor-el (played beautifully by the unforgettable Marlon Brando)

During this experience, one of the quotes remained with me for years until today, and reminds me about vulnerability, how much we have punished ourselves in search of meaning and purpose.

The higher ground of existence passes through the acknowledgment that we are special being what we really are, no guilty, no complain attached, just gratitude.

n his last words for his son, Jor-El explains:

“Live as one of them, Kal-El, to discover where your strength and your power are needed. But always hold in your heart the pride of your special heritage. They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to show the way. For this reason, above all, their capacity for good, I have sent them you... my only son.”

(just a moment…)

There’s a general rule in my life, to never, ever ignore the opportunities we have to discover the meaning behind what our eyes and ears can collect.

This is the beauty of an infinity and constant discover, within a limited life time we all have. Some of us would desire more than one, but this the one we’ve got, and we have to deal with it.

That’s where HEROs, first came to my childhood world. For me, Superman where my idol, my go through goal..

I did that, not knowing that his mirror image, the cape and everything, was in fact what I wished to become, or even better, what I HOPE to achieve one day.

I was wrong, he was only a symbol of HOPE, an extraterrestrial that one to be human, like his father mention “because their capacity for good”.

Superman is me, is you, and everybody else.

We might not be able to fly or be nearly indestructible.

But, I’m sure we are good enough to find a better way to live together and in harmony.

We do not need powers to do that… Ops, yeah perhaps only one super power… HOPE.

Best Thoughts,

Pablo C.

 Outras Leituras como sugest?o:

1.   Você já experimentou se desconstruir? Para criar-se novamente?

2.   E se as baleias pudessem voar? N?o seria excepcional?

 PABLO COSTA, C M, (Pablo C. ) tem 40 anos, casado, natural de Salvador-BA. Engenheiro, com mais de 17 anos de experiência no mundo corporativo. Amante de uma boa leitura e do conhecimento contínuo, escritor amador aqui no Linkedin. Apaixonado pela oportunidade de compartilhar experiências, aprender, motivar e ser motivado. Contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de novas lideran?as criativa fruto de conhecimento, coletividade e porque n?o paix?o em realizar.





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