My Principles
Sarah Barker
Eldercare-Senior Care Sales Solutions Academy-Marketing, Business Development, Sales Training, Coaching and Accountability-Offering Entrepreneurial Opportunity-Veteran
Integrity: In all I do, I will endeavor to act in the best interest of all parties involved and exercise integrity with my personal and business dealings.
Being a Giver: I will give of myself first in any new relationship and operate under the assumption that the other person is a giver until experience proves otherwise. I will forgive others for their mistakes and try to understand things from their point of view.
Positive Thinking: I will focus on the positive attributes of others.
Responsibility: I will not blame outside circumstances or others for my mistakes or problems. When something bad happens, I will see the role I played and admit to my part.
Humility: Everyone has their own brand of intelligence. Everyone fights a battle. I am not better than others. There is always something to learn from those around me. Sometimes I will be on top, sometimes I will be at rock bottom, sometimes I will act smart, sometimes I will act like an idiot—just like everyone else does.
Order: I will keep my life simple, free from clutter, disorder, and things that steal my energy for negative purposes.
Curiosity: I will be open to all kinds of outcomes. When things don’t go my way, I will act as a third-party observer and try to see my situation from a state of curiosity rather than disappointment.
Action in Spite of Discomfort: When I know something is right, I will immediately take action, even if it’s hard or causes short-term discomfort.
Self-Compassion: When I make mistakes, I will forgive myself and have compassion for my shortcomings. I will create an environment for myself that is safe, healthy, and caring. When I need help, I will ask for it.
Fun/Adventure: My life will be passionate and engaging. I will see the wondrous every day. The ordinary will become extraordinary to me because of how I will choose to love, who I choose to interact with, and the joy of my pursuits.
Nourishing My Soul: Throughout the day, I will take breaks to recharge myself. This includes running, working out, spending time in nature, meditation, painting, or reading. I will spend several hours a week thinking about ways to improve my character and learning about new concepts and ideas.
Family Role: My purpose in my family will be to support my daughter in her dreams, have fun with her creating lasting memories, and I will be open and truthful. I will be a good example.
Social Role: I will focus on finding and cultivating deep friendships with people who have similar values and whom I admire and trust.
Career Role: I will be responsible and pay my bills but focus on work that energizes me. My vision and calling is more important to me than simply earning a high wage. When working with clients, I will endeavor to do what is best for them and, at the very least, I will do no harm. It is my desire to leave a legacy.
Community Role: Each year I will review what I’m doing to help others to be sure I’m on track. I will make an effort to meet new people from different backgrounds and professions. I will strive to learn from everyone I come into contact with.
My Health: I will eat an unprocessed diet focused on vegetables, healthy fats, proteins, moderate fruit, and limited carbohydrates. Every day, I will move my body and expend enough energy to feel healthy, balanced, and in good shape.
Sharing My Legacy: I will make an effort to document important life moments as they happen. I will write letters to those who inspire me either as it happens or once a year when I review the happenings of my life. I will make a consistent effort to tell others how grateful I am to have them in my life, and will be specific about what I appreciate about them.