"My Prayer; My Dream, My Vision, God's Voice & Love for "YOU!"?

"My Prayer; My Dream, My Vision, God's Voice & Love for "YOU!"

My Prayer:

I pray Your love be received, Lord: I pray Your creation hear Your voice and repent and remember You and Your mercy and grace through Your Love which reaches even beyond human knowledge and understanding!

I pray that ALL, listen in this time of separations; hearing only Your voice and turning from all else:

Guide us all Lord in Your pouring out of Your Spirit upon ALL mankind!

Show all through their own acknowledgement; that not all combined things of this world nor anything which has brought about one’s own allowance of dividing can save not one!

Let everything which has life and breath see and Your love and safety right where You are; where You have gathered and desire to gather all who will into Yourself!

The answer I received from God’s Voice within me:

“Listen children have your hearts and ears of your spirits and souls so much that you can no longer be persuade of the evilness offerings of this world in your own lives!”

Me anointed by God, to speak His Word to all!

“God is calling you this day is the day of salvation and working out “you’re” salvation! In order that “you” will stand!”

“For, “I,” am more than sure; that nothing can separate us from the Love of God we have in Christ Jesus!”

“Believe, Seek first The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness that All these things many be in “you”, where He is seeing His glory in “you!””

“For the one who does not seek will never find and he who believes in doubting will never receiver!”

“Knowing that nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus!”

“Knowing that in the same manner not one loved one, not one blessing from our Lord, can ever be removed from our heart and soul!”

“Because of our Lord Jesus Christ; is the Way, that we can meet where He is to see His Glory together!”

“Personally yet unified together!”

“Jesus said, “if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father!”

“Know this!”

“If I have seen another filled with the Holy Spirit of Almighty God; I too now can see them in Him where He is, as each who knows Him also can see and hear His voice!”

“Knowing His desire was that we might be where He is spiritually here and now!”

“On purpose,” in prayer and meditation we are gathering in the name of Jesus!”

“Rejoice and enter His courts with thanksgiving and joy and peace in you’re hearts!”

“A Word given during my rest and sleep!”

“In a dream and in a vision; a dream while I slept, yet many times during my sleep I was awoken in order to know in vision that the Holy Spirit was walking with me and teaching me; while giving me a, “Word,” for the churches!”

“That’s the believers and those who are listening and obeying the voice of God within them!”

“I heard the voice of the Lord’s, as ranging waters, as loud pouring living waters from His very Thorn where He has allowed our spirit’s and our soul’s to gather through the vail ranted by the blood of His Word, He made flesh and named Jesus!”

“Here where He has already brought me from death into life, I do hear His voice, and I acknowledge His Voice, because He reveals Himself to me, as Jesus, His Word.”

“These are His Word’s I have heard!”

“Voice’s are everywhere, rather “you” are admitting it or not, suggestions flooding “your” minds, and “ALL” mankind truly hear the voices of so many spiritual forces, trying to gather “you” into their very own ways.”

“All,” Hear My voice as well, and “you” each know My voice, rather “you” accept My Word, My Voice, or not, “ALL” of “you” hear Me.”

“Know this, rather “you” decide to pick up “you’re” own crosses and follow after Me, My Voice, or “you” decide to follow after all the other voice and suggestions “you” hear within “yourselves” at all times and everywhere “you” are!”

“The only way “you” will ever be able to stop and cast away and aside all other voices, is by Hearing My Voice, and following after Me.”

“Not in part, nor as man has lead “you” to believe and accept through their very own religions, ways, and offerings of their own papers of their own proof that they are of Me.”

“For I do not provide papers, I provide Word’s of Life, in and through blood anointing of My very own Word’s I also made flesh and sent Him, into the world; My Son’s, very own blood anointed in order that “you” may enter through His “On Purpose,” “Freely given sacrifice of Himself, for “all” mankind. In order that “you” may enter through the vail of separation between “yourselves and Me.”

“That “you” may enter in where I AM and always have been and always shall remain, “right here, in Spirit and in Truth.”

“Here at the Altar before My Thorn, where My living waters flow from Me, touching each who shall enter in, and receive, from Me, who created “you” “ALL!”


This dream and the vision is for “ALL” whom the Holy Spirit through God’s own pouring Himself out, eat and drink upon the Word made flesh! “Come and “On Purpose,” drink from The Lord’s river of Living Water’s, For ALL mankind!”

Teacher: “The Voice of God within my own dream and vision!”

Luke 8:10: and He said, “to “you” it has been given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God, but to the rest it is given in parables, that

“Seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.”


“Now the Holy Spirit revealed to my soul.” “this very ALL Powerful Word out of His mouth alive and living right here and right now!”


“I seen a wall open before me, it was a picture show, like looking into a picture that had movement within it!”

“Kind of like the play’s and show’s “you” “we” all see at man’s house’ of worship, where they have turned their altars into places where they perform their own shows. Authorized by their pieces of paper they have passed to each other, declaring their own anointing’s.”

“Like the very Scribes and Pharisees, of God’s Word, named Jesus, observed and seen and knew was not of His Father in His day’s upon this earth.”

“In my vision, “The movement showed what was taking place in the Spiritual realm!”

“I watched and at this moment I awakened and the vision begin;”

“I seen the Holy Spirit likened as Fire becoming brighter and releasing reviving wisdom and knowledge inside some, yet only touching others as if around them but yet not within them!”

“I spoke and the Fire answered saying;”

“See I shall lead and show those who accept and obey; those who listen and perform!”

“Yet those who know me not they cannot see nor hear because only from the inner heart and soul of man, can man accepted and see and hear, My leadership and teaching; My abilities freely given in the order for them to be lead and perform!”

“Not by nor from the voices they are accepting and hearing, which are not of Me whatsoever!”

“I looked and behold there was another sight, “I seen yet another type of people; these were filled with the Fire of the Holy Spirit because of their believing in God!” Yet the Fire light was much dimmer within them; even as if just flickering dimly”

“I heard the Fire in the Spirit speak again saying, “These are my people who long for Me yet I have placed scales over their eyes; not from the outer eyes but from their inner eyes, of their spirits; as have I performed the same within their ears.”

“I wondered why I was being shown these things and the meaning of them!”

“I asked my Lord, “show me and teach me that I may know and bring Your Word forth!”

“Again I was awakened and now in a vision shown this very Word being written across the screen with the vision of these sights remaining behind the Words!”

“Now the parable is this:”

“The seed is the Word of God.”

“Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the Word out of their hearts, least they’re should believe and be saved.

But the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear, receive the Word with joy; and these have no root, who believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away.

Now the ones that fell among thorns are those who, when they have heard, go out and are chocked with cares, riches, and pleasures of life, and bring no fruit to maturity.

But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the Word with a noble and good heart, keep it and beat fruit with patience.” Luke 10:11-15

“Next I was awakened again, yet this time awakened in the human nature; while standing in the heavens by a still water with a green meadow all around, there was a very large tree with many branches where I stood by it! The Fire which I had seen in many was burning beside me; and Words were all around the outer flames !”

“At once the Words begin to come together, making, forming together as Words of knowledge and bringing forth understanding which could never be seen by man!”

“I felt peace and calmness and joy and happiness; there was no fear at all:”

“I spoke to the Fire asking, “what is this sign?”

“The Word (s) again begin to come together and formed; this is what they said;”



“I asked the Flame for the meaning, and this is what the Words formed!”

“You see and you hear because you have personally decided to obey: because you have so decided; revealed before your spirit you are able to see and to hear!”

“I am calling and showing ALL mankind as never before; I have allowed the slowing down of time, of the things happening around all;”

“Yet just for a short time!”

“I have stopped time by separation of worldly cares and even brought a stop and concern around ALL mankind of the things and desires of this world!”

“What the enemy meant for harm and hurt and pain and suffering, even death, have I turned to My own Glory!”

“In order that they too may believe and repent and return to Me!”

“The days will start up again soon, yet I have shown all individually of things to come!”

“Allowing each individual to have a time of true remembrance of ME AND MY LOVE.”

“The Words continue to form, speaking;”

“I love ALL and My will is that none should parish.”

“The ones with the scales I shall remove and My people shall too once again see and hear and know That My Word is My Son Made flesh and sent into the world!”

“This shall be brought about through the one’s who decide to place themselves rooted in and growing becoming a branch upon My tree!”

“Now the last observation I had as I found myself seated back in my chair, in another part of my house were:”

“Tell ALL Come to Me for I AM: is The ONLY TREE of Life!”

“I at once begun this morning typing all that I had seen and all that I had heard!”

“Oh, mankind hear and see what the Lord has revealed!”

“Because the sword “you” need is only located at the Tree of Life, IN Christ Jesus!”



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