My Practical Exercise for Becoming a Visionary

My Practical Exercise for Becoming a Visionary

It was 7 a.m., and I had just finished my meditation. I was about to read my 10-year vision statement out loud. 

See, I had decided to read this vision statement out loud every morning as a part of my daily practice. I had been trying to do this every day for the past two weeks – and just like every other day in the past two weeks – I got distracted.

I decided to get up, play with the cats, empty the dishwasher, go for a walk and tell myself that I would read my vision later. Shocker: I never got to it. My brain kept yelling at me to do it, but I just couldn't get myself to read that thing, no matter what I did. 

When I told one of my spiritual mentors about this struggle that I’d been having, she paused. 

And she looked at me and she said, “Monica it's because your analytical brain is turning that 10 year vision into a to-do list, and you don't know how to do it. And because you don't know how to do it, you stopped reading it.”

That was a huge wake up call for me. Some of you might relate. 

People always talk about wanting to have a bigger vision in the world, but for many of us, if you can't relate to what you need to do in order to achieve that vision, it's really hard to be a visionary. It’s much easier to just focus on what is in front of you and get that done. 

For others, it's the complete opposite. You are completely in alignment with this idea of having a vision – but when you wake up every morning, it doesn't feel like you are getting any closer to getting to that vision, because you can’t seem to break it down into everyday steps. 

I want to offer you an exercise that has been helpful to me and to many of my clients. It’s a different take on the visioning process. 

Instead of thinking about what you want in five years or 10 years, I want you to draw yourself in the middle of a circle and then draw five concentric circles around that initial circle.

I want you to treat each circle like it is a span of time, moving farther into the future as the circles move outward. 

That first immediate circle might be what you want to do in the next month. The next circle might be what you’re doing over the next year – and then the next two years, three years, five years, and so on. 

Ask yourself – what do I want to do? What do I want to create?

When you’re looking at these circles, start wherever feels best. For some of you, it might be easier to start in the immediate, which would be the first circle around your initial circle.

And for some folks, it’s easier to start five circles out with your grand vision – I want a bigger house. I want to live on the beach. I want to start a foundation. I want a million dollar company. I want to be affecting thousands of clients.

If that’s you, go for it! Start on that outer circle. But if you’re someone who really struggles with that visionary piece, maybe you start closer to the inner circle – what am I doing this week? What am I doing this month that I know I need to get done?

From there, you can start to think about six months into the future, and then a year, and then maybe three years.

Start wherever you’re comfortable, and stop wherever you’re uncomfortable. The beauty of this exercise is the freedom to make your vision as big or as small as you want it to be right now.

It might be a stretch to fill out all the circles, depending on whether you’re a big-picture thinker or a here-and-now person. But this is why we’re doing this exercise.

And it’s just the beginning. We’re helping people start to step into their visions – or what I like to call their bigger dreams – at our Big Comeback Event.

The Big Comeback Event is happening virtually on December 7-9. We’re going to be taking those three days to create personalized, 14-step Certified Revenue Breakthrough Plans to grow our businesses in 2023.

And just because you are reading this – I’d love to offer you a ticket for just $95 (even though the early bird sale ended a while ago). 

Just put the code save400 in the promotion code box over at

I can’t wait to see all the beautiful things that are going to bloom in your concentric circles! 


